Spletni komentarji novic so postali del javne debate in ugibanja o tem, ali prispevajo k razgrevanju ozračja v javnosti ali morda celo sami kdaj zanetijo kak požar. Pri tem so komentatorji deležni veliko opazk in predsodkov, ki smo jih želeli preučiti. V magistrski nalogi smo zato prvič v Sloveniji...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Potočan, Darja
Other Authors: Musil, Bojan
Format: Master Thesis
Published: [D. Potočan] 2015
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=47170
Summary:Spletni komentarji novic so postali del javne debate in ugibanja o tem, ali prispevajo k razgrevanju ozračja v javnosti ali morda celo sami kdaj zanetijo kak požar. Pri tem so komentatorji deležni veliko opazk in predsodkov, ki smo jih želeli preučiti. V magistrski nalogi smo zato prvič v Sloveniji preučili osebnostne lastnosti komentatorjev novic na spletnih portalih slovenskih medijev s pomočjo lestvice Velikih 5, vprašalnika narcisoidnosti – NPI in vprašalnika dogmatizma ter podatke preverjali s populacijo tistih, ki nikoli ne komentirajo novic na spletu. Slovenska populacija komentatorjev kaže statistično pomembne razlike med pogostimi komentatorji in nekomentatorji na dimenziji ekshibicionizma, ne pa tudi na dimenziji dogmatizma. Na lestvici Velikih 5 se pokažejo razlike med v dimenzijah ekstravertnosti in odprtosti za nove izkušnje, v dimenzijah dogmatizma in ekshibicionizma pa ne. Med ekstremoma, skupinama nekomentatorjev in pogostih komentatorjev, se med osebnostnimi lastnostmi pokažejo razlike v dimenziji sprejemljivosti, pogosti komentatorji kažejo tudi več značilnosti ekshibicionizma. Med dobre prediktorje komentiranja sodijo spol, starost, odprtost in odgovor na vprašanje, ali berejo komentarje pod novicami ali ne. Pogosteje komentirajo starejši moški, v starostni skupini od 41–60 let starosti, ženske pa komentirajo veliko redkeje, kar 95 % vseh udeleženk spada med nekomentatorje. Online news comments have become a part of the public debate and speculation whether they contribute to the atmosphere of public flaming and shaming or possibly even cause the fire. The commentators are faced with lots of prejudice and insults that needed to be examined. The purpose of this Master’s thesis was to study the personality traits of the commentators in Slovenia. The Big 5 inventory (BFI), Narcissistic Personality Inventory ( NPI – 40) and Dogmatism scale were used in the empirical research. Data of those who never comment the online news (non – commentators) were compared to the commentators (328). It was established that the Slovenian population indicate statistically significant differences between the commentators and non – commentators in the personality measures on the dimension of extraversion and openness to experience but not on the dimensions of dogmatism and exhibitionism. The more extreme groups - frequent commentators and non – commentators – show statistically significant differences on the dimension of exhibitionism, but not on the dimension of dogmatism. The dimension of agreeableness on the Big 5 Inventory is also statistically significant. Sex, age, openness to experience and whether they like to read online commentary are found to be good predictors of commentating. The commentators are mostly men in the age group of 41-60 years of age, women are less likely to comment - 95% of all women participants in the study are non – commentators.