S Haaško konvencijo o mirnem reševanju mednarodnih sporov, je bilo leta 1899 ustanovljeno Stalno arbitražno sodišče v Haagu, kot prvi globalni mehanizem za reševanje sporov med državami. Sestavlja ga panel arbitrov, ki jih imenujejo pogodbene stranke Haaške konvencije. Vsaka lahko imenuje do štiri a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Lončar, Tanja
Other Authors: Tratnik, Matjaž
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [T. Lončar] 2014
Online Access:
Summary:S Haaško konvencijo o mirnem reševanju mednarodnih sporov, je bilo leta 1899 ustanovljeno Stalno arbitražno sodišče v Haagu, kot prvi globalni mehanizem za reševanje sporov med državami. Sestavlja ga panel arbitrov, ki jih imenujejo pogodbene stranke Haaške konvencije. Vsaka lahko imenuje do štiri arbitre, nato pa stranke v sporu izberejo člane razsodišča s tega spiska arbitrov, ali pa za arbitre imenujejo tudi druge posameznike. Stalna organa razsodišča sta še Mednarodni urad in Administrativni svet. Pravila postopka, ki se bodo uporabila za arbitražo v konkretnem sporu, lahko določita stranki sami. Poleg različnih opcijskih pravil pa imata na voljo tudi Arbitražna pravila, na katerih temelji to diplomsko delo. Da se lahko spor rešuje pred Stalnim arbitražnim sodiščem, je potreben sporazum strank, ki se lahko pojavi v več oblikah. Postopek se začne z obvestilom o arbitraži in nadaljuje z odgovorom na obvestilo. Stranki lahko imata v postopku zastopnike in svetovalce. Arbitražna pravila uredijo tudi vprašanje sestave arbitražnega tribunala, v kolikor tega nista storili stranki. Vsebujejo tudi institut izločitve razsodnika, ki pride v poštev, če arbiter ni neodvisen ali nepristranski. Nato je v diplomskem delu opisan arbitražni postopek od svojega začetka in do izdaje razsodbe. Med drugim je predstavljen tudi problem učinka in izvršitve razsodbe, ter morebitna pravna sredstva zoper njo, ki pa pridejo v poštev le pod določenimi pogoji. Zadnje poglavje pa je namenjeno stroškom postopka in razsodnikov, na višino katerih pa lahko med postopkom z medsebojnimi dogovori vplivata tudi stranki. Permanent Court of Arbitration was established by the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes at the Hague in 1899 and it was the first global mechanism for the settlement of disputes between states. It consists of the list of arbitrators appointed by the parties to the Hague Convention. Each may designate up to four arbitrators and then the parties, who have a dispute, shall select members of the tribunal fom this list of arbitrators, or appoint other individuals. The permanent bodies of the Court are also the International Bureau and the Administrative Council. The parties may themselves determine the rules of procedure, that will be used for arbitration in the particular dispute. The parties can also choose between various Optional rules, or agree that the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the Arbitration rules, on which this diploma thesis is based. The parties have to make an agreement, that the dispute shall be resolved by the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The agreement may occur in several forms. The procedure commences with the notice of arbitration and proceeds with the response to the notice of arbitration. The parties shall appoint agents or representatives. Arbitration rules also regulate the issue of the composition of the arbitral tribunal, if the parties did not define it. The rules also include provisions of challenge of arbitrators, which can be used if the arbitrator is not independent or impartial. Later on the diploma thesis describes the arbitral proceeding from its beginning until the issue of the award. Among other things, it presents the problem of effect and execution of the award and eventual legal remedies against it, which are only possible under certain conditions. The last chapter is intended for the costs of proceedings and arbitrators, the amount of which can be influenced by the parties with their agreements during the procedure.