Terapija s pomočjo konja

Terapija s pomočjo konja še ni tako razširjena v Sloveniji in premalo je tudi osveščanja ljudi, predvsem staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami. A vendar je za otroke s posebnimi potrebami še kako pomembna, saj jim pomaga pri pridobivanju določenih veščin. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Horvat, Tamara
Other Authors: Pajnkihar, Majda
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: T. Horvat 2014
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=46716
Summary:Terapija s pomočjo konja še ni tako razširjena v Sloveniji in premalo je tudi osveščanja ljudi, predvsem staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami. A vendar je za otroke s posebnimi potrebami še kako pomembna, saj jim pomaga pri pridobivanju določenih veščin. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti terapijo s pomočjo konja, terapevtski tim in ustanovo, kjer terapijo tudi opravljajo, ter z raziskavo ugotoviti zadovoljstvo in mnenje staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Raziskovalna metodologija: Raziskavo smo opravili pri 21 starših otrok, ki obiskujejo terapijo s pomočjo konja v Ustanovi – Fundaciji Nazaj na konja. Kot instrument raziskave smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, sestavljen iz 17 vprašanj. Rezultati: Analiza anketnih vprašalnikov je pokazala, da so starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami s terapijo s pomočjo konja zelo zadovoljni, saj sami opazijo spremembe pri svojem otroku na določenih področjih. Otroci do konjev nimajo negativnega odnosa ampak so do njih precej zaupljivi. Starši so mnenja, da že sam stik z živaljo vpliva na otrokov socialni razvoj, prav tako postanejo skrbni do živali. Sklep: Premalo je osveščanja ljudi o terapiji s pomočjo konja, predvsem staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Vse vaje so prilagojene posamezniku, delo je individualno in tako se učinki terapije dokaj hitro pokažejo na motoriki, sociološkem področju ter čustvenem področju, kar otroku in staršem pomaga pri obvladovanju težav. Horse assisted therapy is not yet widespread in Slovenia and it also has a lack of awareness between people, especially by parents of children with special needs. But it has a high importance for children with special needs because it helps them in acquiring certain skills. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the using of horse assisted therapy, therapeutic team and the institution, where they offer such a therapy, and with a survey determine satisfaction and opinion of parents of children with special needs. Research Methodology: The survey was conducted by help of 21 parents of children who attend horse assisted therapy at the Foundation »Nazaj na konja«. As an instrument of research, we used a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions. Results: Analysis of the questionnaires showed that the parents of children with special needs, are very satisfied with the horse assisting therapy, because they notice by themselves changes in their children’s in certain areas. Children do not have a negative attitude towards the horses, but they are pretty confident with them. Parents are of the opinion that the contact with the animal affects the child's social development, also they become careful to animals. Conclusion: There is insufficient awareness of people about the horse assisted therapy, especially for parents of children with special needs. All exercises are tailored to the individual, the work is individual and so the effects of therapy rather quickly show up in kinesiology, emotional and sociological field in which the child and parents help in coping with problems.