Redni letni razgovori so dvosmerna oblika komunikacije. So del prakse, ki jo podjetje vpelje s točno določenimi cilji. Izvajajo se redno, v naprej določenem obdobju. Na rednem letnem razgovoru vodja in sodelavec skupaj pregledata preteklo leto in določita cilje za naprej.Diplomska naloga je sestavlj...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Šolar, Bernarda
Other Authors: Jereb, Eva
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2014
Online Access:
Summary:Redni letni razgovori so dvosmerna oblika komunikacije. So del prakse, ki jo podjetje vpelje s točno določenimi cilji. Izvajajo se redno, v naprej določenem obdobju. Na rednem letnem razgovoru vodja in sodelavec skupaj pregledata preteklo leto in določita cilje za naprej.Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pojem redni letni razgovor. Skozi teorijo smo ugotovili, da pravilno izveden razgovor prinese ogromno pozitivnih stvari. Ne vpliva samo na vodjo in sodelavca, ampak tudi podjetje kot celoto. V nadaljevanju smo si podrobneje ogledali pripravo in izvedbo rednega letnega razgovora ter aktivnosti po sami izvedbi. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo izvajanja oz. neizvajanja rednih letnih razgovorov. Spletno anketo smo poslali v srednje velika podjetja v Gorenjski regiji. Žal pa smo naleteli na veliko nepripravljenost podjetij za sodelovanje. Rezultati analize kažejo, da od 14 podjetij razgovore izvaja le 6 podjetij. Kar pa nas je presenetilo, je dejstvo, da nobeno od teh podjetij ne opravlja razgovorov več kot pet let. Od podjetij, ki razgovore ne izvajajo, pa jih večina o tem tudi ne razmišlja. Performance appraisals are a two-way mode of communication. A company introduces this practice with specific goals in mind. These discussions take place regulary within a predetermined time frame. At the performance appraisal the superior and the co-worker go through the past year and set their goals for the future. The diploma consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part we have described the term performance appraisal. We have learned through theory that a correctly held discussion can bring a lot of benefits. It does not only affects the superior and the co-worker but it affects the company as a whole as well. We are also looking in detail into preparations for such discussions and the activities following the discussion itself. In the empirical part of diploma we have carried out a resarch about using or not using the performance appraisal as a tool. We have sent an internet survey to medium sized companies in Gorenjska region. Unfortunately we came accross a big reluctance for cooperation. The results of the survey show that only six out of the fourteen companies use performance appraisal. What surprised us in that none of these companies has been using this method for longer than five years. The majority of the companies that do not use performance appraisal do not think about introducing them.