V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili interno komuniciranje na javnem zavodu RTV Slovenija. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojem komuniciranja, predstavili sestavine in proces komuniciranja ter motnje, ki se pri tem lahko pojavijo. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili še na vrste, oblike in smeri komu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gomboši, Ines
Other Authors: Novak, Vesna
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2014
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili interno komuniciranje na javnem zavodu RTV Slovenija. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojem komuniciranja, predstavili sestavine in proces komuniciranja ter motnje, ki se pri tem lahko pojavijo. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili še na vrste, oblike in smeri komuniciranja ter na komunikacijska omrežja. V raziskovalnem delu smo preučevali komunikacijo na RTV Slovenija. Med zaposlene smo razdelili anketo in na podlagi rezultatov ugotovili, da imajo zaposleni na RTV Slovenija dobre delovne odnose in komunikacijo, kar je bistvenega pomena tudi za njihovo uspešno delo. Informacije, ki so pomembne za razumevanje dogajanja, dobijo zaposleni najpogosteje iz pogovorov med sodelavci, pa tudi iz internega glasila, z internega portala MojRTV in iz e-časopisa oz. prek e-sporočil »Med nami«. Sodelavce ali vodjo zaposleni najpogosteje informirajo prek elektronskega sporočila ali telefonskega klica, poročajo pa tudi na sestanku. Komunicirajo predvsem s sodelavci, ki opravljajo podobno nalogo kot oni sami, ob tem pa se aktivno vključujejo v reševanje problemov, redno komunicirajo z nadrejenimi ter nadrejenim vedno posredujejo informacije o poteku dela, uspešnosti in težavah, na katere naletijo. Tudi nadrejeni zaposlenim dajejo jasna navodila ter sprejemajo njihove pripombe in predloge. Za še večje zadovoljstvo pri delu so zaposleni na RTV Slovenija predlagali več možnosti soodločanja pri delovnih procesih, izobraževanje vodstvenih kadrov na področju delovnih odnosov, več komuniciranja vodstvenih kadrov s podrejenimi in manj nepotizma. V zaključnem delu smo predstavili predloge, ki bi nedvomno olajšali tudi težka obdobja v organizaciji in pozitivno vplivali na delovne odnose in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih ter vodij. In this graduation thesis we have presented internal communication within the public institution of the RTV Slovenija. In the theoretical part we have defined the term communication, presented the constituents and the process of communication along with the interference that can occur. Following this, we have focused on types, forms and directions of communication and the communication networks. In the research part we have studied the communication at RTV Slovenija. We have distributed a questionnaire among the employees and based on the results, we have found out that the workers at RTV Slovenija have good work relations and communication, which are also a necessity for the success of their work. The employees most often get information important for their understanding of current affairs from talking to their colleagues and from the internal gazette, from the internet portal MojRTV and e-magazine or through e-messages Med nami. They most often inform their colleagues or boss by writing an e-mail, or make a telephone call. They also inform at meetings. They communicate mostly with their coworkers who work on similar projects to their own, contribute actively in problem solving, regularly communicate with their superiors, whom they inform about the work flow, successes and problems they encounter. Superiors also give clear instructions to the employees and accept remarks and suggestions by the employees. In order to achieve even greater satisfaction at RTV Slovenija, employees have suggested greater possibilites of cooperative decision making within the work process, further education of the management in the field of worker relations, a greater level of communication between the management and subordinates and less nepotism. In the final part we have presented the proposals which would undoubtedly alleviate the hard period in the organization and influence good work relations and the satisfaction of both employees and the management.