Vlaga predstavlja v problematiki ohranitve in obnove kulturna dediščine in starejših objektov eno od največjih težav. Neposredno ali posredno vpliva na degradacijo skoraj vseh vrst materialov in konstrukcij. Negativnim učinkom ne uidejo niti navlaženi gradbeni materiali, ki uničujejo konstrukcijo ob...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gomboši, Goran
Other Authors: Štrukelj, Andrej
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: G. Gomboši 2014
Online Access:
Summary:Vlaga predstavlja v problematiki ohranitve in obnove kulturna dediščine in starejših objektov eno od največjih težav. Neposredno ali posredno vpliva na degradacijo skoraj vseh vrst materialov in konstrukcij. Negativnim učinkom ne uidejo niti navlaženi gradbeni materiali, ki uničujejo konstrukcijo objekta in povzročijo njegovo propadanje. Problem vlažnih zidov je posledica neizoliranih starejših objektov in slabo oz. pomanjkljivo izoliranih novih objektov. V prvem delu opišem nekaj ključnih besed o sami vlagi in soleh v ometih, kakšne vrste vlage poznamo, kako sanirati vlago, zakaj je vlaga prisotna v objektih itd. Nato sem v drugem delu diplomske naloge predstavil primer sanacije kapilarne vlage na starejšem objektu namenjenemu turistični dejavnosti v Svetinjah z uporabo sušilnega ometa. V nadaljevanju diplomske naloge sem izvedel preiskave v saniranih ometih po cca. 9.-ih letih od izvedbe sanacije na predelu pojava poškodb. S preiskavo sem hotel dobiti odgovor, zakaj je prišlo do lokalnih poškodb na sušilnem ometu, ki je primeren za sanacijo kapilarne vlage. Kajti iz različnih virov literature je razbrati da lahko sušilni ometi funkcionirajo le nekaj let (5-25 let) odvisno od lokacije in navlaženosti objekta nakar jih je potrebno zamenjati Moisture is one of the biggest problems in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage and older buildings. It directly or indirectly affects the degradation of almost all sorts of materials and constructions. Not even moistened building materials can escape negative effects that destroy the construction of the building and cause degradation. The problem of damp walls is the consequence of uninsulated older buildings and poorly or inadequate insulated new buildings. In the first part I described a few key words about moisture and salts in the plaster, what kind of moisture we know, how to remove moisture, why moisture is present in buildings, etc. Then in the second part of the thesis I presented the example of repair of capillary moisture in an older building dedicated to tourism activities in Svetinje by using drying plaster. In the following thesis I conducted an investigation of restored plasterwork after approx. 9 years of implementation of restoration in the area of occurrence of damage. With the investigation I wanted to get the answer to why there was local damage on the drying plaster, which is suitable for repair of damage caused by capillary moisture. Referred to various sources of literature it is stated that drying plasters function only a few years (5-25 years) depending on location and humidity of the building and then they have to be replaced.