Podjetja, ki si želijo obstati na današnjem trgu neprestano iščejo možnosti za zagotavljanje konkurenčnih prednosti pred drugimi podjetji. Od svojih zaposlenih zahtevajo fleksibilnost, aktivno posodabljanje znanja ter povezovanje svojih lastnih ciljev s cilji in potrebami podjetja. Z nenehnim razvij...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Šmelc, Tamara
Other Authors: Šarotar Žižek, Simona
Format: Master Thesis
Published: T. Šmelc 2014
Online Access:
Summary:Podjetja, ki si želijo obstati na današnjem trgu neprestano iščejo možnosti za zagotavljanje konkurenčnih prednosti pred drugimi podjetji. Od svojih zaposlenih zahtevajo fleksibilnost, aktivno posodabljanje znanja ter povezovanje svojih lastnih ciljev s cilji in potrebami podjetja. Z nenehnim razvijanjem, usposabljanjem in izobraževanjem svojih zaposlenih si podjetja zagotavljajo ohranjanje kompetitivnosti na hitro razvijajočem se trgu. Magistrska naloga obravnava motivacijo zaposlenih za razvoj in usposabljanje v podjetju Elti d.o.o. Namen magistrske naloge je bil analizirati motiviranost zaposlenih za razvoj in usposabljanje v podjetju Elti d.o.o. za obvladovanje večih delovnih mest ter opredeliti optimalne motivacijske dejavnike. Do odgovorov smo prišli s pomočjo merskega instrumenta, ki smo ga izdelali sami in posredovali vsem zaposlenim v podjetju Elti d.o.o. Z analizo dobljenih rezultatov merskega instrumenta smo ugotovili, da so se zaposleni, ki menijo, da jih nadrejeni dovolj motivirajo za razvoj in usposabljanje, bolj pripravljeni usposabljati še za druga delovna mesta. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je zaposlenim v podjetju Elti d.o.o. najpomembnejša nagrada za razvoj in usposabljanje še za druga delovna mesta, višja plača ter da so jim materialne nagrade bolj pomembne kot nematerialne. Ugotovili smo tudi, da v podjetju Elti d.o.o. starost zaposlenega ne vpliva na pripravljenost za razvoj in usposabljanje še za druga delovna mesta. Glede na rezultate analize mora podjetje Elti d.o.o. posebno pozornost nameniti temu, da bodo vodje cenili dobro opravljeno delo zaposlenih, da se bo dober delovni rezultat hitro opazil in pohvalil ter, da bodo vodje bolj motivirali zaposlene za razvoj in usposabljanje zaposlenih še za druga delovna mesta v podjetju. S tem se bo povečala motivacija zaposlenih, ki je za uspešnost podjetja in za učinkovitost zaposlenega zelo pomembna. Zaposleni v podjetju so se pripravljeni usposabljati še za druga delovna mesta ampak jim največjo oviro predstavlja plača. To oviro bi lahko odpravili s sistematizacijo plač. Smiselno bi bilo ugotoviti tudi katere materialne nagrade poleg plače še motivirajo zaposlene za usposabljanje še za druga delovna mesta v podjetju Elti d.o.o. Companies with the aim of remaining on today’s market are constantly looking for opportunities to ensure competitive advantages in relation to other companies. They require from their employees the flexibility, active updating of knowledge and integration of their own objectives with the objectives and needs of the company. With the continuous development, training and education of their employees companies ensure that the competitiveness in safeguarded in a rapidly evolving market. Master’s thesis deals with the motivation of employees in regard to development and training in company Elti d.o.o. The purpose of the master's thesis was to analyze the motivation of employees in regard to development and training in company Elti d.o.o. for handling multiple positions of employment, and to define optimal motivational factors. We gathered the answers with a measuring instrument which we created by ourselves and disseminated to all employees in company Elti d.o.o. By analyzing results obtained with the measuring instrument we established that employees who feel that their superiors motivate them enough for the development and training are more willing to be trained for other positions of employment. We also established that for the employees of the company Elti d.o.o. the most important prize for the development and training in regard to other positions of employment is higher salary and that they consider material rewards to be more important than non-material. We also established that the age of the employees of the company Elti d.o.o. does not affect the willingness to develop and further train for other positions of employment. According to the results of the analysis the company Elti d.o.o. has to be more aware to the fact that the leaders have to appreciate the good work of employees, that good working results have to be quickly noticed and praised, and that leaders have to motivate their employees in regard to development and training for other positions of employment within the company. This will increase the motivation of employees which is of great importance for the success of the company and for the performance of an employee. Employees of the company are willing to train for other positions of employment but the biggest obstacle is the salary. This could be eliminated with the wage systematization. It would also be reasonable to determine which material rewards in addition to salary motivate employees in regard to training for other positions of employment within the company Elti d.o.o.