Smeh je zdrav, saj ugodno vpliva na telo in duha. Vnos humorja v šolo bi bil vsekakor dobrodošel, vendar pa pri tem igrajo pomembno vlogo sami učitelji, ki lahko preko učnih priprav vnesejo v šolo humor. Prav tako lahko spodbujajo učence, da berejo knjige s humorno vsebino. Pri učencih so veliko bol...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zavec, Jure
Other Authors: Goriup, Jana
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: J. Zavec 2014
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=44636
Summary:Smeh je zdrav, saj ugodno vpliva na telo in duha. Vnos humorja v šolo bi bil vsekakor dobrodošel, vendar pa pri tem igrajo pomembno vlogo sami učitelji, ki lahko preko učnih priprav vnesejo v šolo humor. Prav tako lahko spodbujajo učence, da berejo knjige s humorno vsebino. Pri učencih so veliko bolj priljubljeni učitelji, kateri imajo smisel za humor in ki tudi samo poučevanje naredijo bolj privlačno in zanimivo, kar pa je s humorjem lahko doseči. V empiričnem delu smo ugotovili, da se učiteljem I. triade na področju Murske Sobote in okolice zdi pomembno, da imajo smisel za humor, da ga glede na učno snov tudi vnašajo v učne vsebine, vendar pa na žalost ne načrtno, saj je večina učiteljev odgovorila, da nima nobene učne priprave s humorno vsebino. Tako je vnos humorja bolj stvar trenutnega navdiha, ne pa načrtnega delovanja. Tudi sam izbor humorne literature pri učiteljih je bolj skromen in le malo je učiteljev, ki berejo tovrstno literaturo, kar pomeni, da bodo tudi učence težje spodbudili k branju le-te. Komedije pa si učitelji radi ogledajo, kar pomeni, da so humorju naklonjeni in da jim ni tuj. Največja bojazen učiteljev je, da bi izgubili avtoriteto pri učencih, če bi se več šalili, vendar pa temu ni tako, saj ocenjujemo, da bi bili s tem le bolj priljubljeni pri učencih, kar pa je vsekakor zelo dobro tako za učence kot za učitelje. Laughter is good for health as it has a positive effect on body and soul. The introduction of laughter in school would be welcoming however, the main role in doing this is played by teachers, who can include humour in school in their teaching preparations. Furthermore, they can encourage pupils to read books with humorous contents. Pupils are fonder of teachers who are known for their sense of humour and for attractive and interesting teaching methods. The later can easily be achieved with humour. The empirical part of the thesis shows that teachers in the first three years of primary schools in Murska Sobota and its surroundings believe that it is important to have a sense of humour, to incorporate it into teaching contents according to subject matter but unfortunately not due to prior planning. The majority of the teachers answered that they do not have any teaching preparations with humorous contents. Thus, the inclusion of humour in a lesson is rather subject to momentary inspiration than to a planned activity. Furthermore, teachers do not often choose humorous literature and there are not many teachers who read such literature themselves, which proves that it will be more difficult for them to encourage the pupils to read this type of literature. On the other hand, teachers like watching comedies, which means that they do have a sense of humour. What teachers fear the most is that they will lose their authority among pupils in case they joke more often however, this is not the case, because according to our estimations their popularity among pupils would thus increase, which is definitely favourable for both teachers and students.