Diplomska naloga obravnava izdelavo programske rešitve za organiziranje dogodkov v kongresnem centru s pomočjo programa Microsoft Access. Aplikacija, ki temelji na podatkovni bazi, je namenjena podpori za kongresne centre ali ostala podjetja, ki se v kakršni koli meri srečujejo z organizacijo dogodk...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Topolovec, Anže
Other Authors: Rajkovič, Uroš
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2013
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomska naloga obravnava izdelavo programske rešitve za organiziranje dogodkov v kongresnem centru s pomočjo programa Microsoft Access. Aplikacija, ki temelji na podatkovni bazi, je namenjena podpori za kongresne centre ali ostala podjetja, ki se v kakršni koli meri srečujejo z organizacijo dogodkov. S podobnim delovnim procesom sem se tudi sam srečal v času študentskega dela in na podlagi lastnih izkušenj skušal ustvariti aplikacijo, ki bi pripomogla k boljšemu sodelovanju med oddelki, ki so odgovorni za organizacijo in izvedbo prireditev. Namen diplomskega dela je izboljšati prenos informacij med kadri, ki sodelujejo pri organizaciji dogodka v kongresnem centru. Osnovni cilj obravnavanega problema pa je izdelava delujočega prototipa. Izdelana aplikacija je preprosta za uporabo, sami obrazci so uporabniku prijazni, prav tako pa tudi njihova funkcionalnost. Poročila, ki jih aplikacija kreira prikazujejo vse potrebne informacije, ki jih organizator potrebuje pri organizaciji dogodka. Same pomankljivosti aplikacije, ki so se pojavile so bile, da je bil pregled lanskih dogodkov, pregled delovanja organizatorja in prikaz podatkov o mesečnem ali letnem poslovanju kongresnega centra onemogočen. This dissertation is about creating a sofware solution to help with the organization of events in a congress centre with a program called Microsoft Access. The purpose of the aplication, which is based on its database, is to support the congress centre or any other company that encouters any type of event organization in its work. I gained experience with this kind of work process during my study and based on this experience i tried to create a software solution that betters the relationship between departments in charge of event organization and event execution. The purpose of this dissertation is to improve the transfer of information between departments that participate in event organization. The primary goal of the presented problem is creating a working prototype. The aplication is simple for use, the forms in it are user friendly as is its functionality. The Reports created by the aplication show all the neccessary information needed for the organization of an event .The only deficiency of this aplication is the unavailability of the records for last years events, performance of the organizer and the display of information conserning monthly and yearly reviews of the business in the congress center.