Raziskavo magistrske naloge smo usmerili v optimizacijo sistema za ocenjevanje stanja pacienta v povezavi z visokim krvnim tlakom. Aplikacija omogoča izboljšan pregled nad zgodovino stanja pacienta. Razvoj aplikacije je bil tesno povezan s teoretičnimi predpostavkami. Število smrti, ki so povezane z...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Klement, Nejc
Other Authors: Rajkovič, Uroš
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2013
Online Access:
Summary:Raziskavo magistrske naloge smo usmerili v optimizacijo sistema za ocenjevanje stanja pacienta v povezavi z visokim krvnim tlakom. Aplikacija omogoča izboljšan pregled nad zgodovino stanja pacienta. Razvoj aplikacije je bil tesno povezan s teoretičnimi predpostavkami. Število smrti, ki so povezane z zvišanim krvnim tlakom, je v primerjavi z ostalimi vzroki za smrt v Sloveniji na prvem mestu. Tudi v ostalih razvitih državah je zvišan krvni tlak v samem vrhu vzrokov za smrt. Ravno zaradi tega smo razvili aplikacijo, ki bi lahko pripomogla k znižanju števila smrti, povezanih z zvišanim krvnim tlakom. S pomočjo programske rešitve Dexi smo razvili strukturo, ki zajema teoretične dejavnike za zvišan krvni tlak. Struktura je bila razvita s ciljem, da pacient s svojim ustreznim izpolnjevanjem pripomore k optimalni oceni stanja. S pomočjo intervjuja, ki smo ga opravili z gospodom Zvonkom Rauberjem, smo pridobili podatke o dejavnikih tveganja za visok krvni tlak. Poleg dejavnikov nam je gospod Rauber pomagal pri postavljanju teže pomembnosti posameznih dejavnikov. Dejavnike tveganja in njihove vrednosti smo nato preslikali na samo aplikacijo. Sprva smo pridobljene podatke vnesli v programsko rešitev Dexi in kasneje tudi v spletno aplikacijo. Ugotovili smo, da aplikacija lahko pripomore k podajanju splošne in podrobne ocene o stanju pacienta. Predvsem pa se prednost kaže v zagotavljanju zgodovine podatkov. Dokazali smo, da bi pacienti sami lahko pripomogli k pridobivanju podatkov, ki bi omogočali boljše podajanje diagnoze zdravnika o zdravstvenem stanju pacienta. To pomeni, da smo del odgovornosti za pridobivanje podatkov, ki so pomembni za podajanje diagnoze, prenesli na paciente. V zaključnem poglavju pa smo predstavili možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja aplikacije. Prav tako smo aplikaciji dodali dodatne funkcionalnosti, ki bi lahko pozitivno vplivale na osveščanje pacientov, pravilno rabo aparatov za merjenje krvnega tlaka in vodenje merjenj. The research of this master thesis was focused on the optimisation of the system for assessing the condition of the patient in relation to high blood pressure. The application enables an improved view over the history of the patient's condition. The development of this application was closely connected with the theoretical assumptions. Compared to the others, hypertension is the leading cause of death in Slovenia. In other developed countries, increased blood pressure is also among the very top causes of death. That is why we have developed an application which could help to reduce the number of deaths related to hypertension. With the help of the Dexi software solution we have developed a structure which covers the theoretical factors for high blood pressure. The structure was made so the patient can contribute to an optimal evaluation of his condition by completing it properly. Through the interview with Mr. Zvonko Rauber, we gained data on the risk factors for high blood pressure. Mr. Rauber also helped us classify these factors according to their importance. Risk factors and their values were then moved onto the application itself. Initially we inserted the obtained data into the Dexi software solution and later also into the web application. We found out that the application can help give a general as well as a more detailed evaluation of the patient's condition. In particular, the value of the application shows in providing data history. We proved that the patients themselves could contribute to the gathering of information, which would subsequently allow the doctors to make a better diagnosis. This means that we shifted a part of responsibility for gathering information relevant to the diagnosis onto the patients themselves. In the final chapter we presented the possibilities for further development of this application. We also gave the application additional functions that could have a positive impact on patient’s awareness, proper use of the instruments for measuring blood pressure and management of readings.