V diplomskem delu sem predstavila organizacijsko kulturo v pekarskem podjetju Pekarna Blatnik d.o.o. in jo analizirala s pomočjo Harrisonovega vprašalnika. Vprašalnik je pokazal, da zaposleni niso najbolj zadovoljni s sedanjo organizacijsko kulturo, željni so sprememb in nove kulture. Organizacije b...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kastelic, Damjana
Other Authors: Kovač, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2013
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu sem predstavila organizacijsko kulturo v pekarskem podjetju Pekarna Blatnik d.o.o. in jo analizirala s pomočjo Harrisonovega vprašalnika. Vprašalnik je pokazal, da zaposleni niso najbolj zadovoljni s sedanjo organizacijsko kulturo, željni so sprememb in nove kulture. Organizacije bi morale namenjati več pozornosti organizacijski kulturi, saj je le ta pomembna za njeno trenutno in nadaljnjo delovanje. Z rednimi meritvami bi lahko vodstvo spremljalo stanje kulture v sami organizaciji. Vodstvo bi s tem pridobilo najbolj celosten in natančen vpogled v organizacijo in ugotovilo, ali je trenutna kultura ustrezna, uspešna in če omogoča dolgoročni uspeh. This undergraduate thesis discusses the organisational culture in a bakery company Pekarna Blatnik d.o.o. and analyses it with Harrison's questionnaire. The questionnaire revealed that the employees are not entirely satisfied with the current organisational culture and that they wish for changes and new culture. Organisations should pay more attention to the organisational culture because this is important for its current and further services. Using regular measurements the management could monitor the state of culture in the organisation. Thus the management would gain an overall and accurate insight into the organisation and find out if the current culture is suitable and successful and if it enables a long-term success.