V Republiki Srbiji (RS) je po informaciji z Gospodarske zbornice - Privredne komore Srbije v trgovskem sektorju okoli 15 velikih trgovcev (Delhaize, Ideja, Mercator, Discommerce, Metro, Univerexport, dm – drogerie markt, Lilly, AD Podunavlje, Merkur, Tehnomanija, Veropolus,.) ter več kot 50.000 manj...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bajsič, Božidar
Other Authors: Pucihar, Andreja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2013
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=39809
Summary:V Republiki Srbiji (RS) je po informaciji z Gospodarske zbornice - Privredne komore Srbije v trgovskem sektorju okoli 15 velikih trgovcev (Delhaize, Ideja, Mercator, Discommerce, Metro, Univerexport, dm – drogerie markt, Lilly, AD Podunavlje, Merkur, Tehnomanija, Veropolus,.) ter več kot 50.000 manjših trgovskih organizacij z eno do deset trgovin, ki so v večini organizirane kot manjša podjetja (Samostalne Trgovačke Radnje – STR). V RS živi 8 milijonov prebivalcev, od tega v glavnem mestu Beogradu 2,3 milijona. Zaradi tega se velika proizvodna in distribucijska podjetja, ki nudijo blago za široko potrošnjo, spopadajo s stroškovno neugodnim procesi pri pridobivanju povpraševanj in naročil od kupcev, pa tudi z visokimi stroški pri sami distribuciji blaga. Zato različna podjetja uporabljajo različne prakse, kako na klasičen način kar najučinkoviteje in z minimalnimi stroški pridobiti naročila kupcev. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali možnosti uvedbe enotne internetne portalne rešitve, preko katere bi manjši kupci sami sporočali naročila, prevzemali odgovore ali dobavnice in posredovali informacije o vračilih blaga. Pri tem smo uporabili storitve Poslovnega omrežja Panteon.net® in B2B »web-shop« Panteon.biz® podjetja Panteon Group®. Diplomska naloga zajema analizo poslovanja štirih podjetij: VODA, MLEKO, KRUH in TISK in njihovih poslovnih procesov z njihovimi številnimi malimi kupci – malimi lokalnimi trgovinami. Skupni problem teh podjetij je v razdrobljenosti in množici malih kupcev ter povezanih stroškov za zbiranje naročil po klasični poti s trgovskimi potniki. V nadaljevanju je izvedena analiza možnih izboljšav in rešitev na osnovi spletnih tehnologij, kjer je predlagana in razdelana rešitev s spletnim portalom. Mali kupci preko tega lahko sami vnašajo naročila in dobivajo potrditve naročil oz. dobavnic. To bistveno izboljša njihovo kontrolo nad dobavo in odzivnostjo dobavitelja. Pri dobavitelju zmanjšuje stroške trgovskih potnikov, ki zaradi tega male kupce redkeje obiskujejo. According to the information provided by the Commercial Chamber of Serbia (Privredna komora Srbije), in Republic of Serbia (RS), in the sector of trade are operating approximately 15 big merchant chains (Delhaize, Ideja, Mercator, Discommerce, Metro, Univerexport, dm – drogerie markt, Lilly, AD Podunavlje, Merkur, Tehnomanija, Veropolus,.) and more than 50.000 smaller trading enterprises, operating one up to ten shops, which are in majority organized as smaller private commercial entities. (Samostalne Trgovačke Radnje – STR). Population of Republic of Serbia is 8 millions of inhabitants, the capital of Serbia, Belgrad alone, has 2,3 millions of inhabitants. Under consideration of described circumstances, big production and distribution enterprises, offering goods for broad consumption, are confronted with unfavorable cost related processes at the acquisition of demands and orders from buyers and also with high costs incurred at the distribution of goods itself. For this reason, various enterprises are implementing various practices, in order to obtain orders from buyers, as efficiently as possible and at lowest possible costs. In this thesis, we analyzed the possibilities of the implementation of the unique web based portal solution, based on which smaller buyers could communicate orders by themselves, receive answers or delivery notes and communicate information about the returns of goods. In this process we used services of Electronic Business Network Panteon.net® and solutions B2B »web-shop« Panteon.biz® created by Panteon Group®. This diploma thesis is containing the analysis of the business operations of four enterprises: VODA (water), MLEKO (milk), KRUH (bread) and TISK (press) and of their business processes performed with their numerous small buyers – small local shops. It is representing the common problem of these enterprises, consisting of fragmentation and of large number of small buyers and related costs for the gathering of orders in the classic way, with the help of sales representatives. In the continuation, the analysis of potential improvements and solutions is performed, on the basis of web based technologies, where the appropriate solution via the web portal is suggested and elaborated. Small buyers may, with the help of this solution, enter orders and receive confirmations of orders or delivery notes efficiently, in real time and by themselves. This approach will significantly improve their control over the delivery and the responsiveness of the supplier. Supplier, thanks to this solution, will be able to reduce significantly costs of sales representatives which are now visiting small buyers less frequently than before.