Pogajanja so pot, po kateri lahko pridemo do tistega, česar nimamo, a si želimo. A kljub temu, da se skozi celo življenje ljudje nenehno pogajamo, pa so poslovna pogajanja poglavje zase, saj predstavljajo trd oreh marsikateremu poslovnežu. Biti dober pogajalec pomeni, da najprej dobro poznamo sami s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Breg, Leonida
Other Authors: Završnik, Bruno
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: L. Breg 2013
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=39761
Summary:Pogajanja so pot, po kateri lahko pridemo do tistega, česar nimamo, a si želimo. A kljub temu, da se skozi celo življenje ljudje nenehno pogajamo, pa so poslovna pogajanja poglavje zase, saj predstavljajo trd oreh marsikateremu poslovnežu. Biti dober pogajalec pomeni, da najprej dobro poznamo sami sebe. Pomembno je da znamo poudariti svoje dobre lastnosti, pa tudi da si priznamo svoje slabosti. Veliko se o tem, kako se uspešno pogajati, lahko naučimo iz napak, ki so jih pogajalci delali v preteklosti. Poslovna pogajanja so sestavljena iz več faz. Najpomembnejša je prva faza, to so priprave na pogajanja. V pripravah na pogajanja si določimo jasne cilje, katere želimo doseči ob koncu pogajanj. Cilji so nam ob zaključku pogajanj tudi osnova za ugotavljanje uspešnosti pogajanj. Da pa lahko cilje dosežemo, potrebujemo za to načrt. To pomeni, da moramo opredeliti pogajalsko strategijo. Ker so informacije moč, je v pripravah na pogajanja potrebno zbrati čim več informacij o predmetu pogajanj in o nasprotni strani. Druga faza v pogajalskem procesu je začetek pogajanj. V tej fazi se pogajalski strani med seboj spoznata, določita dnevni red in predstavita vsaka svoje začetne poglede na pogajanja. Tretja stopnja je iskanje sporazuma, katero bi lahko poimenovali tudi stopnja pogajanj v ožjem pomenu besede. Da je ta faza sploh smiselna, je potrebno, da sta pogajalski strani vsaj minimalno pripravljeni na dogovor. zadnja faza pa je podpis sporazuma. Pogajalske strategije in pogajalske taktike ne smemo zamenjevati. Če je pogajalska strategija splošen načrt kako doseči cilje, so pogajalske taktike orodja sredstva, s katerimi uresničujemo strategije. Pogajalskih taktik obstaja veliko število. Da izberemo pravo jih je potrebno dobro poznati in jih znati uporabljati na različne načine. The negotiations are the way which leads us to the things which we do not have, but we want to get them, and have them. Beside the fact that throughout their life people are constantly negotiating, the business negotiations are a separate issue. They are presenting the quality of many businessmen. Being a good negotiator means that we first know ourselves well. It is important that we are able to emphasize our qualities, but also to acknowledge our weaknesses. We can learn a lot about the successful negotiations from the mistakes made by negotiators in the past. The business negotiations are composed of several phases. The most important is the first phase, or better said the preparation for the negotiations. In the preparation for the negotiations are being set the clear goals, which are to be achieved, at the end of the negotiations. The goals reached and the end, are a basis for evaluating the performance of the negotiations. However, if we want to achieve the goals, we need to have a qualitative plan, at the beginning. This means that we need to define negotiation strategy. Because the information are the strongest power, in the preparation for the negotiations it is necessary to collect as much information as we can on the subject of negotiations, and certainly about the opposite side. The second phase of the negotiation process is the beginning of negotiations. At this stage of the negotiation process the both sides meet each other, they determine the agenda and present their own views on the initial negotiations. The third phase is the searching of an agreement, which could be called the stage of negotiations, in the strict sense of the word. Actually, this phase makes sense, if the both sides of the negotiation process are ready to make a deal. The last stage is the assigning the agreement. The concepts - negotiation strategy and negotiating tactics should not be confused. If the negotiation strategy means an overall plan to achieve the objectives, the negotiating tactics tools mean a realization of the strategy. There are many negotiation tactics. To choose the right ones, we should at first place be familiar with them and be able to use them in a different ways.