Gestapo - državni terorizem : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo

Celoten namen diplomske naloge je potrditi tezo da je gestapo bil oblika državnega terorizma, ki je z strategijo posrednega nastopanja in strategijo psiho-loško-propagandnega delovanja uresničil svoje cilje. V nalogi sem pobliže predstavil gestapo vse od nastanka, njegovo strukturo, delovna področja...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pančur, Stanislav
Other Authors: Miklavčič, Marjan
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Pančur 2012
Online Access:
Summary:Celoten namen diplomske naloge je potrditi tezo da je gestapo bil oblika državnega terorizma, ki je z strategijo posrednega nastopanja in strategijo psiho-loško-propagandnega delovanja uresničil svoje cilje. V nalogi sem pobliže predstavil gestapo vse od nastanka, njegovo strukturo, delovna področja, zakone in cilje, naloge, ki so jih opravljali in izvrševali na okupiranih območjih po Evropi. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela sem opisal državni terorizem kot pojem, njegovi začetki in katere so značilnosti državnega terorizma. Iz vsega napisanega sklepam, da je nacistična Nemčija bila »idealen« primer državnega terorizma, katerega je izvajala obveščevalno-varnostna služba gestapo. Nekaj besed sem namenil tudi sami propagandi in predstavil nekaj različnih pogledov avtorjev o samem pojmu. Gestapo je s propagando skušal sistematično vplivati preko množičnih komunikacij na mišljenje in s tem na vedenje ljudi. Pritegnilo me je tudi dejstvo,da so v nacistični Nemčiji že pred vojno ustanovili ministrstvo za propagando, o čemer sem napisal tudi nekaj besed. Gestapo je z načinom strategije posrednega nastopanja uporabil več načinov prisile. Tako je bila prisila: politična, psihološko-propagandna, ustvarjali in uporabljali so agente za vpliv, izrabljali so krizo ter organizirali državne udare. V diplomski nalogi sem si postavil dve zanimivi hipotezi, ki sem jih v nadaljevanju naloge tudi obelodanil. Gestapo vsekakor ni prinesel nič pozitivnega, je pa dokazal kako so/smo ljudje vodljivi, kar nam je lahko v opomin, da se taisti primeri sistemov ne bodo nikoli več ponovili. The whole purpose of this work is to confirm the theory that the Gestapo was a form of state terrorism, which is the strategy of performing an indirect strategy and psychological-propaganda operation to attain its objectives. In the thesis I presented the Gestapo closely all of creation, its structure, working areas, laws and objectives, the tasks they performed and exercised in the occupied areas in Europe. In the following thesis I describe state terrorism as a concept, its origins, and what are the characteristics of state terrorism. From everything written conclude that Nazi Germany was a "perfect" example of state terrorism, which is implemented Intelligence and Security Service Gestapo. Some words I have devoted themselves propaganda and presented some different views of the authors of the notion. The Gestapo was the propaganda tried to systematically influence through mass communications thinking and the behavior of people. It attracted me is the fact that in Nazi Germany before the war formed the Ministry of Propaganda, which I wrote a few words. The Gestapo was the way of performing an indirect strategy used several methods of coercion. Thus, the constraint: political, psychological-propaganda, created and used to influence the agents, exploited the crisis and organized coups. In this thesis I have set up two interesting hypothesis, I have the following duties also brought to light. Gestapo certainly did not bring anything positive, but show how they/we humans are steerable, as we can notice that the very same examples of systems will never be repeated.