Diplomska naloga obravnava tematiko čustev, strahu, anksioznosti ter načine, kako lahko učencu pomagamo pri pripravi na nastop in tudi pri zmanjšanju strahu pred nastopanjem. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali učenci sploh radi nastopajo, kako pogosto jih je v šoli tega strah in kakšen vpliv ima strah na nji...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Penšek, Nataša
Other Authors: Habe, Katarina
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: N. Penšek 2012
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomska naloga obravnava tematiko čustev, strahu, anksioznosti ter načine, kako lahko učencu pomagamo pri pripravi na nastop in tudi pri zmanjšanju strahu pred nastopanjem. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali učenci sploh radi nastopajo, kako pogosto jih je v šoli tega strah in kakšen vpliv ima strah na njihovo počutje ter uspešnost. Zanimalo nas je tudi, pri katerih šolskih predmetih učenci najmanj radi nastopajo in zakaj, ter kako si pomagajo, kadar jih je nastopa strah. Med drugim smo hoteli izvedeti, kako se pred nastopom počutijo in ali z naraščanjem starosti narašča tudi stopnja strahu pred nastopanjem. V prvem delu diplomska naloga opisuje teoretične vidike čustev, strahu, izvajalske anksioznosti ter načine obvladovanja treme in strahu. Empirični del diplomskega dela je bil izveden s pomočjo kavzalno neeksperimentalne metode dela in sicer z anketnim vprašalnikom. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da tako petošolci kot tudi devetošolci sicer v povprečju ne nastopajo radi, vendar pa strah nima velikega vpliva na njihovo počutje in uspešnost. Izkazalo se je, da je največ nastopanja pri slovenskem jeziku in da tukaj učenci tudi najmanj radi nastopajo. Večji strah doživljajo pri verbalnih in pevskih nastopih, zelo majhnega pa pri gibalnih spretnostih. Velika večina anketiranih učencev strah premaguje z globokim dihanjem in pozitivnim mišljenjem. Petošolci se po pomoč zatečejo tudi k staršem, medtem ko se devetošolci s tem spoprijemajo sami. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi to, da večino učencev pred nastopom v večji meri spremlja občutek živčnosti, potne dlani, hitro in neenakomerno bitje srca, najmanj pa je prisoten občutek omedlevice in bruhanja. This diploma thesis discusses the theme of emotions, fear, anxiety, and ways of helping a pupil when preparing for a performance as well as helping to reduce pupil's fear of performing. The goal of the thesis was to find out whether pupils like to perform in general, how often they experience fear because of it, and what is the effect of this fear on their well-being as well as prosperity. One further goal was to learn in which subjects pupils are least keen on performing and why, and how they try to reduce their discomfort. Furthermore, the thesis focused on the question of how students feel before their performance and whether as they grow older their fear of performing also increases. The first part of the diploma thesis describes theoretical aspects of emotions, fear, performance anxiety and ways of controlling stage fright and nervousness. The empirical part of this thesis was carried out using the causal non-experimental working method, namely a survey questionnaire. The results showed that fifth year pupils as well as ninth year pupils in general do not like to perform however, the fear does not seem to have much of an effect on their well-being and successfulness. The outcomes of the survey questionnaire suggested that pupils are most often asked to perform in the subject Slovenian and this is also the subject in which students are least keen on performing. In particular, pupils experience fear with verbal and singing performances, while they seem to experience almost no nervousness during physical activities. The vast majority of the surveyed pupils tries to cope with their fear by deep breathing and positive thinking. Fifth year pupils often ask their parents for help, while ninth year pupils deal with the problem themselves. The findings showed that most pupils experience nervousness, sweaty palms, fast and unsteady heartbeat reactions such as feeling faint and vomiting are very rare.