Mnoge pogodbe temeljijo na mednarodni prodajni pogodbi ter so neposredno ali vsaj posredno povezane z njo, kar priča o tem, da je najpogostejša in najpomembnejša v blagovnem prometu. Bistveni sestavini mednarodne prodajne pogodbe sta :  Stvar  Kupnina Pogodba je sklenjena takrat, kadar se stranki...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pernek, Mitja
Other Authors: Primec, Andreja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Pernek 2012
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=37089
Summary:Mnoge pogodbe temeljijo na mednarodni prodajni pogodbi ter so neposredno ali vsaj posredno povezane z njo, kar priča o tem, da je najpogostejša in najpomembnejša v blagovnem prometu. Bistveni sestavini mednarodne prodajne pogodbe sta :  Stvar  Kupnina Pogodba je sklenjena takrat, kadar se stranki dogovorita o njenih bistvenih sestavinah. Kupnina mora biti določena ali vsaj določljiva, to pomeni, da mora imeti dovolj podatkov, na podlagi katerih kupnino lahko določimo. Stvar, katero prodajalec prodaja, mora biti v pravnem prometu in obstajati, sicer pogodbe ni mogoče skleniti. Kadar pogodba ne vsebuje kupnine in dovolj podatkov, na podlagi katerih bi jo bilo mogoče določiti, pogodbe ni mogoče skleniti oz. je nična. Nekatere izjeme veljajo v gospodarskih pogodbah. Za stranki je zelo pomembno vprašanje, katero pravo se naj uporabi pri presoji njunega pravnega razmerja. Pri mednarodni prodaji blaga imata namreč kupec in prodajalec sedež v različnih državah, zato je še posebej pomembno vprašanje, kateremu pravu bo podvržena presoja njune pogodbe. O izbiri prava se stranki v prvi vrsti odločata sami v času sklepanja pogodbe. V pogodbo vneseta klavzulo, katera se naj uporabi za presojo njunega pravnega razmerja, s čimer se izogneta negotovostim v zvezi z vprašanjem, katero pravo se naj uporabi pri presoji njunega pravnega razmerja. Kadar se stranki o izbiri prava nista dogovorili, v tem primeru ga določi sodišče na podlagi kolizijskih pravil države kjer zaseda sodišče. Many contracts are based on international sales contract and are directly or at least indirectly connected with it, so that shows its massiveness and importance in freight transport. Basic elements of the international sales contract are:  the matter  the purchase price Contract is sealed at the point where clients agree on its basics. The purchase price has to be defined or at least definable, meaning it has to have enough information on which we can set the purchase price. The object that salesman sales, has to be in legal market and has to exist, otherwise the contract cannot be sealed. When the contract does not include the purchase price and enough information on which it could be determined, the contract cannot be sealed or it is void. There are some exceptions in economic contracts. The most important question for the clients is what law can be used in judging their legal relationship. In international sale of the goods buyer and seller have their headquarters in different states and that is why it is extremely important to know, what law the assessment of their contract will undergo. When it comes to choosing the law, the clients have to decide for themselves in time of concluding the contract. In contract they put a clause, which is to be used for judging their legal relationship, so they avoid uncertainty with the question about which law can be used in judging their legal relationship. When the clients have not made the agreement on choosing the law, the court decides on the law, based on the rules of conflict of the state where the court is occupying.