Fenomen iskanja idealnega (modela) vodenja obstaja, odkar obstajajo podjetja. Poskusi »predpisovanja« ideala so bili v preteklosti pogosti, prav tako pa so pogosti tudi v času, ko se je samo vodenje, predvsem zaradi vpliva zunanjih dejavnikov aktualne gospodarske krize, spremenilo. Gospodarske krize...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Žibret, Klemen
Other Authors: Treven, Sonja
Format: Master Thesis
Published: K. Žibret 2012
Online Access:
Summary:Fenomen iskanja idealnega (modela) vodenja obstaja, odkar obstajajo podjetja. Poskusi »predpisovanja« ideala so bili v preteklosti pogosti, prav tako pa so pogosti tudi v času, ko se je samo vodenje, predvsem zaradi vpliva zunanjih dejavnikov aktualne gospodarske krize, spremenilo. Gospodarske krize so večinoma proučevane z makroekonomskega vidika, manj z mikroekonomskega vidika, še manj pa z vidika vodenja, kar je tudi predstavljalo eno ključnih omejitev našega raziskovanja. V našem delu smo v začetku analizirali gospodarske krize z makroekonomskega vidika (pri tem smo se predvsem usmerili na aktualno gospodarsko krizo in veliko depresijo 1929–1932). V nadaljnjih poglavjih pa smo tudi predstavili spremembe v vedenju vodij in sodelavcev v času negotovosti (kar aktualna gospodarska kriza zagotovo je). Tako smo uspeli pojasniti potrebno po spremembi modela vodenja v času aktualne gospodarske krize, v nadaljevanju pa predstavili ustrezen teoretični model vodenja. Pri oblikovanju celovitega teoretičnega modela vodenja v času aktualne gospodarske krize se nismo usmerjali v identificiranje (naj)ustrezne(jše)ga stila vodenja, temveč smo se posvetili elementom vodenja, ki bi jih model vodenja v času aktualne gospodarske krize moral vsebovati, in povezavam med njimi. Pri teh posameznih elementih vodenja pa smo opredelili nekatere priporočljive vzorce vedenja vodij. Izhajali smo iz dejstva, da vsaka akcija vodje povzroči (re)akcijo sodelavcev. Prav tako smo izpostavili vodjo kot ključni element vodenja (podobno kot večina sodobnih znanstvenih teorij vodenja) ter odnos med vodjo in sodelavci, katerega glavno povezovalo je zaupanje. Združili smo izsledke praktičnih raziskav nekaterih globalnih svetovalnih managerskih podjetij v času aktualne gospodarske krize, ki so proučevala poglede vodij na spremembe v vodenju v času gospodarske krize (s pomočjo sinteze ugotovitev teh raziskav smo identificirali pomembne elemente vodenja v času aktualne gospodarske krize) in ključnih elementov vodenja, ki jih izpostavljajo sodobne znanstvene teorije vodenja. Tako smo modelu zagotovili ustrezno celovitost. V samem modelu vodenja smo izpostavili pomen zaupanja med sodelavci in vodjo. Zaupanje je temeljni povezovalni člen vseh kriznih elementov vodenja, ki jih model vsebuje. Takšno vlogo smo zaupanju pripisali zaradi že omenjenih sprememb vedenja vodij in sodelavcev v času negotovosti oboji se srečujejo s povečanim stresom, (osebno) negotovostjo in strahom. Medsebojno zaupanje in povezanost predstavljata ključni dejavnik uspeha vodenja v času aktualne gospodarske krize, kar izhaja tudi iz izsledkov raziskav, ki smo jih v našem delu analizirali. Spremembe modela vodenja ni možno izvesti brez sprememb na strani vodje. Vodja mora biti tisti, ki mora najprej dokazati (sebi in sodelavcem), da je zmožen (samo)spreminjanja. Šele nato bo lahko učinkovito spremenil svoje sodelavce oz. njihovo vedenje. (Žal) pa ravno oseb(nost)ne spremembe vodje predstavljajo hkrati tudi največji omejevalni dejavnik pri spremembi modela vodenja oz. implementaciji predstavljenega celovitega teoretičnega modela vodenja v času aktualne gospodarske krize. Model, ki smo ga pripravili, doslej še ni bil praktično implementiran. Zato smo tudi ocenili možnosti implementacije modela v prakso, ob tem pa navedli nekatere ključne pogoje in možnosti ter omejitve praktične implementacije teoretičnega modela. Zaradi raznih omejitev bo model najverjetneje težko v celoti implementirati v prakso – vsekakor pa verjamemo, da bomo lahko učinkovito implementirali vsaj parcialne dele modela, saj se z vodenjem v času negotovosti srečujemo tudi sami pri svojem delu. As long as there are companies, the phenomenon of seeking (an) ideal leadership (model) will always exist. There have been many attempts at “prescribing” the ideal in the past, and these attempts are still common today when leadership is changing mostly due to the influence of the external factors of the present economic crisis. Economic crises are studied mostly from the macroeconomic point of view and less from the microeconomic one (even less from the leadership point of view) which is one of the key limitations in the survey. In the beginning this master thesis gives an economic crisis analysis from the macroeconomic point of view (with its main emphasis on the current economic crisis and the great depression dating from 1929 to 1932). Following chapters give the presentation of changes in the behavior of leaders and their co-workers in a time of instability (as is the present economic crisis). So it was possible to explain the need for a change of the leadership model during the current economic crisis. Further on, there is given a presentation of an appropriate theoretic leadership model. In the formulation of comprehensive theoretical leadership model during the current economic crisis were not directed at identifying the (most) appropriate style of leadership, but we have focused on the leadership elements that a leadership model should include during the current economic crisis and on the links between these elements. In these various elements of leadership, we have identified some recommended patterns of the behavior of leaders. We worked from the fact that every leader’s action causes an action or reaction from his/her co-workers. We also highlight the leader as the key element in leadership (as do most of the latest scientific leadership theories) and the relationship between the leader and his/her co-workers with trust as the main link. We combined the results of practical surveys of leaders during the current economic crisis, carried out by some global management consulting firms which have studied the opinions of leaders with regard to changes in leadership in times of economic crisis (the synthesis of these survey findings gave us the opportunity to identify some important leadership elements during the current economic crisis) and key elements in leadership underlined by the latest scientific leadership theories. In this way we have ensured an appropriate integrity for the model. The leadership model emphasizes the importance of trust between co-workers and the leader. Trust is the key link throughout all the crisis elements of leadership which are present in the model. Trust is given such an important role due to the aforementioned changes in the behavior of leaders and their co-workers during the time of instability both are faced with an increased level of stress, (personal) instability and fear. Mutual trust and connection are key factors of successful leadership during the current economic crisis which is evident from the surveys analyzed in the master thesis. It is estimated that it is not possible to change the leadership model without changes by the leader. The leader should prove (to him/herself and to his/her co-workers) that he/she is able to make changes themselves. Only then he/she will be able to change his/her co-workers and their behavior. (Unfortunately) personal and personality changes of leaders are the biggest limiting factor in changing the leadership model of the implementation of the presented integral theoretical leadership model in the time of the current economic crisis. The prepared model has not yet been implemented in practice. For this reason, the possibility of its implementation in practice was evaluated and given some key conditions, the possibilities and limitations of a practical implementation of the theoretical model. Due to various constraints it will probably be difficult to fully implement the model in practice – however, we believe that it will be possible to at least put some parts into practice, as we are also dealing with leaders