Lutka je zelo pomembna tako pri vzgoji doma kot v različnih institucijah, prav tako pri terapiji in v bolnišnici. Mnogi starši ne verjamejo, da lahko lutka pripomore k vzgoji otrok ali omili njihovo bolečino, ko so bolni. Že v zgodnjem otroštvu pomaga lutka otroku pri počitku, ga spodbudi k pospravl...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hudournik, Petra
Other Authors: Šinko, Sabina
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: P. Hudournik 2012
Online Access:
Summary:Lutka je zelo pomembna tako pri vzgoji doma kot v različnih institucijah, prav tako pri terapiji in v bolnišnici. Mnogi starši ne verjamejo, da lahko lutka pripomore k vzgoji otrok ali omili njihovo bolečino, ko so bolni. Že v zgodnjem otroštvu pomaga lutka otroku pri počitku, ga spodbudi k pospravljanju igrač, mu pomaga pri hranjenju itd. Prispeva tudi k sproščeni in ustvarjalni klimi doma, v vrtcu in v bolnišnici. Najbolje je, da starši sami odkrijejo njeno magično moč tako, da jo vzamejo v roke in jo uporabijo. Velikokrat denimo starši ne morejo pomagati otroku premagati strahu in bolečine, saj so preveč čustveno navezani nanj ali pa je njihovo pričakovanje preveliko in ga otrok ne more izpolniti. Pri otroku povzroča to hudo stisko, ki jo lahko premaga s pomočjo lutke. Otrok si ob dejavnostih z lutko, ki jo lahko vodi vzgojitelj, starš ali animator v bolnišnicah, razvija samozavest, razlikuje med fantazijo in realnostjo, oblikuje socialne veščine, govorni razvoj, razvija empatijo in krepi samopodobo. Če se otrok ne more odpreti ne vzgojitelju ne staršu, se skoraj verjetno odpre lutki, zato je tako pomembno poseči po njej. Ob njej otrok uživa in je sproščen. Ko otrok zboli in mora v bolnišnico, je poleg bolezni prizadet tudi čustveno. Odtrgan je iz okolja, ki mu je znano, in od ljudi, ki jih ima rad. Okoli njega so neznani obrazi, lahko postane nezaupljiv in uporniški. Takrat je še kako pomembno, da mu znamo približati tisto, kar ga spominja na dom in družino, ter mu pomagamo vsaj omiliti njegov strah. A puppet plays a significant role in upbringing at home and in various institutions as well as in a therapeutic process and in hospital. Many parents do not believe in the beneficial effect of a puppet on raising a child and easing the pain a child feels when s/he is ill. From a very early age, a puppet helps prepare a child for resting and encourages him/her to put away toys, eat, etc. It contributes to a relaxed and creative atmosphere at home, pre-school and in hospital. It is best for parents to discover the magical powers of a puppet on their own by taking it in their hands and using it. Parents are often unable to help their child overcome his/her fear and pain as they are too emotionally attached to him/her or have expectations which are too high for the child to meet. This puts the child into great distress, which s/he can overcome with a puppet. At activities centred around a puppet manipulated by a pre-school teacher, parent or animator in hospital, a child acquires self-confidence, learns to distinguish fantasy from reality, develops social skills, speech and empathy, and builds self-esteem. If a child cannot open up either to a pre-school teacher or a parent, it is very likely s/he will open up to a puppet. That is why the use of puppets is so important. They enable a child to enjoy him/herself and relax. When a child has to be admitted to hospital, s/he does not only feel ill but also emotionally hurt. S/He is taken from a familiar environment and away from the people s/he loves. S/He is surrounded by unknown faces. The child is unwilling to trust and rebellious. In such circumstances it is of great importance for us to be able to shift his/her attention to the things which remind him/her of his/her home and family in order to overcome or at least alleviate the child’s fear.