Vitka proizvodnja je podjetniška filozofija razvita na Japonskem in izhaja v največjem delu iz Toyota Production System (TPS). S pomočjo te filozofije se lahko stopnjuje produktivnost, hkrati pa se znižujejo izgube, ki se pojavljajo skozi poslovni proces. Vitko proizvodnjo sestavlja trinajst gradnik...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Črešnar, Veronika
Other Authors: Bastič, Majda
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: V. Črešnar 2012
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=21950
Summary:Vitka proizvodnja je podjetniška filozofija razvita na Japonskem in izhaja v največjem delu iz Toyota Production System (TPS). S pomočjo te filozofije se lahko stopnjuje produktivnost, hkrati pa se znižujejo izgube, ki se pojavljajo skozi poslovni proces. Vitko proizvodnjo sestavlja trinajst gradnikov, in sicer: metoda 5S, 5krat zakaj, vidna tovarna, timi za stalne izboljšave procesa, orodja kvalitete, poka-yoke, sedem izgub, TPM, SMED, uravnoteženost procesa, proizvodne celice, stalni pretok obdelovancev in kanban. Sistem kanban je sistem razdeljevanja nalog in oskrbe delovnih mest. Deluje po načelu vlečenja (»pull«). Pri tem načelu ni nobenih napovedi, ker tak sistem deluje na odpoklic količin. Tako je omogočeno, da kupec dobi točno tisto kar potrebuje, točno takrat, ko to potrebuje. Sistem kanban deluje s pomočjo kanban signala, ki je lahko v obliki kartice, praznega zaboja ali praznega prostora. Tip proizvoda in število kosov, ki jih je potrebno proizvesti so zapisani na kanban kartici. Porabniku kanban kartica torej pove, kaj mora v nekem trenutku proizvajati in koliko. Porabnik vedno vzame le toliko blaga, kolikor ga trenutno potrebuje, proizvajalec pa mora nato to količino zopet dopolniti. Kanban je primeren za velikoserijsko proizvodnjo s čim manjšim nihanjem potreb, torej za čim bolj enakomerno proizvodnjo. Podjetju GKN Driveline Slovenija iz Zreč je kanban dobro poznan sistem. Vpeljanega ga imajo že na več linijah, letos pa so ga vpeljali še na montažno linijo BMW Mini. Do vpeljave sistema kanban je proizvodnja potekala po načelu potiskanja (»push«), kjer so se proizvedeni izdelki neposredno in takoj dostavljali h kupcu. Proizvodnja tako ni bila v celoti prilagojena potrebam kupca. V podjetju so si za nalogo zadali vpeljavo strategije, ki deluje po načelu vlečenja (»pull). Ta strategija kupcu omogoča, da dobi tisto, kar potrebuje, točno takrat, ko to potrebuje. V okviru te strategije se je vzpostavil tudi sistem kanban, ki delavcem na liniji BMW Mini s pomočjo kanban kartic, ki so jih v podjetju sami oblikovali, sporoča kaj in koliko naj proizvajajo, da bodo zadovoljili kupčeve potrebe. Podjetju so se po vpeljavi sistema kanban močno znižali stroški izrednega transporta, ki so bili posledica nepravočasnih dobav. Pozitivni vplivi vpeljave sistema kanban pa so se pokazali tudi na različnih parametrih, ki jih merijo na montažni liniji BMW Mini. The so-called Lean Production is a manufacturing philosophy developed in Japan. It is based on Toyota Production System (TPS). Using this method, productivity can be increased and at the same time the wastes in the manufacturing process lowered. Lean production is made of thirteen building blocks: Method 5S, Five Times Why, Visible Factory, Teams for Constant Process Improvements, Q-tools, Poka-yoke, 7 Wastes, TPM, SMED, Balance of the Process, Production Cells, Constant Intermediate Product Flow and Kanban. Kanban divides tasks and supplies workplaces using the Pull System. There are no predictions included in this principle because it works in accordance with quantity recall. So, it is possible for a consumer to get exactly what he needs, exactly when he needs it. The system uses the Kanban signal, which appears to be in a shape of a card, an empty container or empty space only. Type of the product and the number of pieces that need to be manufactured are written on a Kanban card. The card offers the user some information on what needs to be produced at that particular time and the amount of it. The user always takes only the needed quantity of goods, while the producer on the other hand has to replenish the lack in quantity. Kanban is a proper choice for mass production, including the smallest needs fluctuation possible. Furthermore, it is a well-known system to the company GKN Driveline Slovenia from Zreče. A lot of their production lines function using Kanban. In 2011, the company also introduced the system to the BMW Mini Assembly Line. Before the usage of Kanban, the production had been in progress using the Push System: the manufactured products were delivered directly to the consumer. But this arrangement was not entirely adjusted to the purchaser's needs. That called for the company to initiate the Pull System. Using this strategy, the consumer gets what he needs at exactly the right moment. According to the strategy, Kanban was integrated within the system. It operates using Kanban cards, which were designed by the company itself. The cards give workers information on what and how much of it ought to be produced to satisfy their customers. After they started using Kanban, the company's unexpected costs of transport, caused by late deliveries, were hauled down considerably. Positive influences of Kanban initiation have as well been noticed with many of the parameters, being measured within the BMW Mini Assembly Line.