Zdravstvena nega bolnika z zunanjimi fiksatorji

V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pomen, kompleksnost in specifičnost zdravstvene nege bolnika z zunanjim fiksatorjem, naloge medicinske sestre, potek zdravljenja in življenje bolnika z zunanjim fiksatorjem po odpustu iz bolnišnice. Zdravstvena nega bolnika z zunanjim fiksatorjem je specifična na po...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ošlovnik, Helena
Other Authors: Koželj, Anton
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: H. Ošlovnik 2012
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=21730
Summary:V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pomen, kompleksnost in specifičnost zdravstvene nege bolnika z zunanjim fiksatorjem, naloge medicinske sestre, potek zdravljenja in življenje bolnika z zunanjim fiksatorjem po odpustu iz bolnišnice. Zdravstvena nega bolnika z zunanjim fiksatorjem je specifična na področju zdravstvene nege kirurškega bolnika. Z delom želimo seznaniti tako bolnike kot medicinske sestre o poteku zdravljenja z zunanjim fiksatorjem in o morebitnih zapletih z namenom ustreznega ukrepanja. Medicinska sestra mora usposobiti bolnika za čimprejšnjo samostojno izvajanje osebne higiene in nege fiksatorja, da lahko postane samostojen v najkrajšem možnem času v domačem okolju. Raziskovalni del diplomskega dela smo izvedli s pomočjo dveh anketnih vprašalnikov, v katerih smo anketirali zdravstveno osebje na oddelku za travmatologijo in bolnike v travmatološki kontrolni ambulanti Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali so medicinske sestre dovolj poučene o zunanjih fiksatorjih, o poteku zdravljenja, zapletih in kako so o tem osveščeni bolniki, ali so dovolj praktično in teoretično usposobljeni in sposobni izvajanja nege v domačem okolju. Raziskava je pokazala, da so medicinske sestre dovolj poučene o zunanjih fiksatorjih, o poteku zdravljenja in zapletih. Bolniki so med procesom zdravljenja z zunanjim fiksatorjem dobili dovolj informacij s strani zdravnika in medicinske sestre, vendar se kljub pridobljenemu znanju ne upajo sami negovati kože in skrbeti za zunanji fiksator v domačem okolju po odpustu iz bolnišnice in še vedno potrebujejo pomoč medicinske oziroma patronažne sestre. In the thesis the importance, complexity and specificity of patient care with an external fixator, nursing tasks, way of treatment and the patient's life with an external fixator after discharge from hospital is presented. Care of patient with an external fixator is specific in the field of surgical patient's care. In the work we tried to inform patients and nurses about the treatment and possible complications in the sense of appropriately reacting. The nurse should train the patient for early implementation of personal hygiene and fixator's regime to become independent as soon as possible at home. Part of the thesis research is carried out by means of two questionnaires, in which we interviewed medical staff at the department and trauma patients in the clinics of the University Medical Centre in Maribor. We wanted to determine whether nurses are qualified enough on external fixators, the course of treatment, complications and how they informed patients about and whether sufficiently practical and the theoretical implementation of qualified and competent care in the home environment is given to patients. Research has shown that nurses are trained enough on the external fixators' treatment and complications. Patients get enough information from the doctors and nurses in the process of treatment with external fixator, but in spite of the lessons learned do not dare to take care alone about the fixator and skin at home, what brings to persistent need of medical or nurse assistance after discharge from the hospital.