Pravica do zasebnosti postaja vse pomembnejša. Ljudje so se vse bolj začeli zavedati svojih pravic in posegov v svojo zasebnost. V zdravstvu je varstvo zasebnosti še kako pomembno, saj zdravstveni delavec ob vsakem pregledu bolnika razkriva del njegovega osebnega življenja, da sploh lahko ugotovi vz...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ferkulj, Suzana
Other Authors: Kraljić, Suzana
Format: Master Thesis
Published: S. Ferkulj 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Pravica do zasebnosti postaja vse pomembnejša. Ljudje so se vse bolj začeli zavedati svojih pravic in posegov v svojo zasebnost. V zdravstvu je varstvo zasebnosti še kako pomembno, saj zdravstveni delavec ob vsakem pregledu bolnika razkriva del njegovega osebnega življenja, da sploh lahko ugotovi vzroke bolezni in določi terapijo. Pravica do zasebnosti na področju zdravstva je zelo široka in sega od pojasnilne dolžnosti zdravstvenega delavca prek pacientove informirane privolitve vse do varstva osebnih podatkov. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali zdravstveni delavci poznajo in spoštujejo pravico pacienta do zasebnosti, prav tako pa je bil namen tudi ugotoviti morebitne razlike glede na stopnjo dosežene izobrazbe in delovno dobo zdravstvenih delavcev. Raziskovalna metodologija. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Podatke smo zbirali s tehniko delno strukturiranih vprašalnikov. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 184 članov negovalnega tima, potekala pa je na šestih kliničnih oddelkih Kirurške klinike v Univerzitetnem Kliničnem centru v Ljubljani. Rezultati. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da zaposleni v zdravstveni negi delno poznajo pacientove pravice do zasebnosti. Pravice pacientov niso spoštovane, kot jih opredeljuje ZPacP. Statistično pomembne razlike v odnosu na stopnjo dosežene izobrazbe medicinskih sester se pojavljajo predvsem pri poznavanju zakona in delno v spoštovanju pravice pacienta do zasebnosti. V odnosu na delovno dobo medicinskih sester statistično pomembnih razlik nismo dokazali. Sklep. Zdravstveni delavci smo prvi, ki bi morali paciente seznanjati z njihovimi pravicami, predvsem pa jih sami dosledno upoštevati in zagotavljati. Nujno potrebna so dodatna izobraževanja s področja zakonodaje in etike, zagotoviti je potrebno strokovno pomoč ob etičnih in pravnih dilemah, izvajati neodvisne nadzore nad spoštovanjem in zagotavljanjem pacientovih pravic ter izboljšati pogoje dela v zdravstveni negi. The right to privacy is getting more and more important every day. People are aware of their rights and whether their rights have been violated. In health care, the protection of patient’s privacy is very important, because health care professional at each patient’s examination reveals a part of patient’s life. The health care professional can even determine the cause of the disease and possible therapy. The right to privacy in health care is very wide, ranging from informed consent through the patient’s health care worker and informed consent of all personal data protection. The aim of Master’s degree thesis was to determine whether health professionals are aware of and respect patients’ rights to privacy and to identify any differences in the level of educational attainment and length of service of health worker. Research methodology. There has been used a quantitative research methodology. Data were collected with structured questionnaires techniques. The survey involved 184 members of the nursing team, which took place in six clinical departments in University Medical Center Ljubljana The results. The survey results showed that employees in health care are partly familiar with the patients’ rights to privacy. Patients’ rights are not respected as defined by ZPacP. Statistically significant differences emerge in relation to the level of educational attainment of nurses, especially in emerging knowledge of the law and partly in respect for patients’ rights to privacy. Statistically significant differences were not demonstrated in relation to the working experiences of nurses. Conclusion. Health workers are the first who should inform patients of their rights, in particular, to fully consider and guarantee their own rights. There is an urgent need to assure additional training in the field of law and ethics to provide the necessary technical assistance to the ethical and legal dilemmas. There is also the urgent need to implement independent monitoring of compliance and ensuring patients’ rights and improve working conditions in the health care.