Vsaka poslovna ideja, ki si jo podjetnik zamisli, se začne z investicijo, zato je ena glavnih nalog podjetnika zagotavljanje finančnih virov, da lahko podjetje nemoteno posluje, raste in premaguje ovire na svoji začrtani poti poslovanja. Že ob sami ustanovitvi podjetja se podjetnik sreča s problemom...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Rajher, Anja
Other Authors: Širec, Karin
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: A. Rajher 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Vsaka poslovna ideja, ki si jo podjetnik zamisli, se začne z investicijo, zato je ena glavnih nalog podjetnika zagotavljanje finančnih virov, da lahko podjetje nemoteno posluje, raste in premaguje ovire na svoji začrtani poti poslovanja. Že ob sami ustanovitvi podjetja se podjetnik sreča s problemom financiranja podjetja, kaj šele, ko želi podjetje rasti in širiti svojo dejavnost, kjer se problem financiranja še bolj poglablja. Vire financiranja potrebuje podjetje za začetne stroške, osnovna sredstva, obratni kapital, zaloge ter za samo rast in razširitev dejavnosti. Podjetnik za svoje podjetje vire izbira na različne načine, ki so mu ponujeni na tržišču. V veliki meri je odvisno tudi, kakšne vire financiranja za rast podjetja potrebuje, kakšne je zmožen odplačevati in kakšnim ugaja s pogoji. Vsaka oblika financiranja ima tako svoje prednosti kot pomanjkljivosti, zato jih moramo vedno natančno preučiti, da se lahko nato odločimo za najugodnejšo rešitev, ki je ugodna in primerna za podjetje iz finančnega kot tudi iz poslovnega vidika. Na kakšen način pa se bo lotil iskanja virov financiranja oziroma sredstev, pa je svobodno prepuščeno podjetniku. Podjetnik se lahko poslužuje lastnih sredstev, ki nastanejo med delovanjem podjetja, na primer lastna sredstva podjetnika, nerazdeljeni dobički preteklih let, amortizacija in drugi. Lahko pa poišče zunanja sredstva, kot so kapitalski dobički, bančni krediti, državne pomoči (garancije, posojila, poroštva, nepovratna sredstva), tvegani kapital (pridobitev sredstev s pomočjo poslovnih angelov ali iz skladov tveganega kapitala) in druge posebne oblike zunanjega financiranja, ki so v sodobnem svetu vedno bolj koristne (lizing, faktoring, forfeting). Podjetnik se mora sam odločiti, ali bo poiskal sredstva z lastnimi viri v podjetju ali si bo moral finančna sredstva sposoditi. Tako smo v delu diplomskega seminarja opisali možne oblike virov financiranja malih in srednje velikih podjetij, tako notranje kot zunanje vire, opredelili njihove lastnosti, prednosti in slabosti. Nato smo se omejili na izbrano proučevano podjetje, kjer smo predstavili vire, ki se jih podjetje poslužuje, in vire, ki jih namerava v prihodnosti koristiti. Every business idea starts with an investment of an entrepreneur. Therefore, one of the main entrepreneur`s task is to provide financial resources so that company can operate smoothly, can grow and overcome obstacles on its steady business course. From the time when an entrepreneur starts a business, he or she is confronted with the problem of financing it, also with the problem of the growth and the expand of business, where the problem of financing further deepens. Sources for financing to start-up costs, fixed assets, working capital, inventory, and for growth and expansion activities are needed. An entrepreneur can choose company resources in different ways which are offered on the market. Sources for funding of business growth, how can they be rapaid and what are the conditions are to a large extend needed. Any form of financing has both advantages and disadvantages, so it must always be examined carefully. The entrepreneur has to choose the best solution that is both economical and appropriate for the company in financial and business perspective. It is the free choice of entrepreneur how he will proceed with finding funding and resources. An entrepreneur may have their own funds, generated during operation of the undertaking, such as the entrepreneur's own resources, the undistributed profits of previous years, depreciation and others. You may find external resources such as capital gains, bank loans, government assistance (such as guarantees, loans, grants), informal sources of financing (the acquisition of assets through business angels) and other special forms of external funding which in the modern world are increasingly useful (leasing, factoring, forfeiting). The entrepreneur must decide whether he will seek funding from their own resources in an enterprise or he will have to borrow funds. So in the work of graduate seminar the possible forms of sources of finance for small and medium-sized enterprises, both internal and external sources are described and their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses indentified. We have limited the paper to the studied company, where we presented the resources that an enterprise uses and resources, which are intended to benefit in the future.