V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv staršev pri ustvarjanju gibalnih kompetenc otroka smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri starši s svojim delovanjem, izkušnjami in možnostmi spodbujajo ustvarjanje gibalnih kompetenc otroka. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov: iz teoretičnega dela in empiri...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vraz, Žana
Other Authors: Muhič, Miran
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: Ž. Vraz 2011
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=19024
Summary:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv staršev pri ustvarjanju gibalnih kompetenc otroka smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri starši s svojim delovanjem, izkušnjami in možnostmi spodbujajo ustvarjanje gibalnih kompetenc otroka. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov: iz teoretičnega dela in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili gibalni in telesni razvoj otroka, gibalne kompetence ter gibalno izkušenjsko družinsko okolje. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo zajeli ugotovitve raziskav, ki smo jih izbrali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Anketirali smo 39 staršev otrok iz vrtca Hajdina, starih od 2 do 6 let ter 58 staršev otrok iz vrtca Markovci, prav tako starih od 2 do 6 let. Ugotavljali smo vpliv staršev pri ustvarjanju gibalnih kompetenc otrok, pri tem pa smo upoštevali starost, izobrazbo in okolje bivanja anketirancev. Pri obdelavi podatkov smo prišli do naslednjih ugotovitev: starši so sami, kakor tudi skupaj s svojimi otroki gibalno aktivni večkrat na teden da so starši športno aktivni zaradi boljšega počutja starši se v veliki meri zavedajo pomembnosti gibalnih aktivnosti svojih otrok in da te pripomorejo k hitrejšemu razvoju tudi na drugih področjih da najpogosteje skupaj z otroki izvajajo igre z žogo da staršem gibalno neaktivnost skupaj z otroki onemogoča pomanjkanje časa vključenost otrok v organizirano športno vadbo je odvisna od športne aktivnosti staršev da velika večina otrok ni vključenih v organizirano športno vadbo starši ne vplivajo v zadostni meri na ustvarjanje gibalnih kompetenc otrok. In the graduation thesis with the title Parents` Influence at Child’s Motor Competences we wanted to establish in which degree parents, with their influence, experience and capabilities, encourage the motor competences of the child. The graduation thesis consists of two segments, the theoretical and the empirical segment. In the theoretical segment we presented the motor and physical development of the child, the motor competences and a family environment with motor activity experience. In the empirical segment of the graduation thesis we included the findings of the research that was conducted with the help of a survey questioner. We questioned 39 parents of children aged 2 to 6 from the kindergarten Hajdina and 58 parents of children also aged 2 to 6 from the kindergarten Markovci. We tried to uncover the influence of the parents on the motor capabilities of children where we took the age, education and habitation environment of the surveyed into account. When processing the data we came to the following conclusions: parents are by themselves or with their children physically active several times per week parents practice sports due to a better state of health parents are, in a large amount, aware of the importance of motor activities of their children and that these enable a faster development in other areas that parents most frequently perform various ball games with their children parents are limited in their physical activities with their children due to the lack of time inclusion of children in the organized sports exercises dependant on the sport practice of their parents that the majority of children is not included in the organized exercises that parents do not sufficiently influence the child’s motor competences.