Stres je postal bolezen sodobnega sveta, še posebej izrazit je na delovnem mestu. Poklic učitelja pri tem ni izjema, saj se učitelji soočajo z vse hitrejšim tempom dela, vedno več nalogami in zahtevami ter pomanjkanjem časa za njihove uresničitve. V teoretičnem delu je opisana učiteljeva vloga in os...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Frece, Andreja
Other Authors: Pšunder, Mateja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: A. Frece 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Stres je postal bolezen sodobnega sveta, še posebej izrazit je na delovnem mestu. Poklic učitelja pri tem ni izjema, saj se učitelji soočajo z vse hitrejšim tempom dela, vedno več nalogami in zahtevami ter pomanjkanjem časa za njihove uresničitve. V teoretičnem delu je opisana učiteljeva vloga in osebnost ter vzroki stresa, njegovi znaki in spoprijemaje z njim. Namen empiričnega dela je bil raziskati vzroke in stopnjo stresne obremenjenosti učiteljev prvega, drugega in tretjega triletja, v kolikšni meri se znaki stresa odražajo pri njih in kaj predlagajo za zmanjševanje stresa na delovnem mestu. Raziskava je pokazala, da je za učitelje najbolj stresna nedisciplina učencev pri pouku, nespoštovanje učiteljeve avtoritete in nemoč pri učenčevih stiskah doma, kar kaže, da so največji vir učiteljevega stresa situacije glede učencev, na drugem mestu so situacije glede staršev in na tretjem glede pomanjkanja časa. Na učiteljevo delo vplivajo tudi situacije iz zasebnega življenja, kot je pomanjkanje prostega časa, zdravstvene težave in premalo časa za družino. Na delovnem mestu se to najbolj kaže kot kronična utrujenost, živčnost, napetost in motnje spanja. Pri delu se tako učitelji težje skoncentrirajo, se znajdejo v časovni stiski, zato še pred koncem ene naloge mislijo na drugo. Učitelji si za zmanjšanje stresa najpogosteje dobro organizirajo delo, ohranjajo smisel za humor, si postavijo realne cilje, doma pa grejo v naravo ter imajo podporo družine in prijateljev. Sami so predlagali manj administracije in obšolskih dejavnosti, večjo avtonomijo, večji ugled poklica v družbi in sodelovanje staršev z njimi. The stress has become a disease of the modern world. It is especially common at work. The teacher's profession is no exception. Teachers are facing faster and faster pace of work, more and more tasks and requirements and lack of time to finish and realize all of them. The role of a teacher, the personality and the causes of stress, its signs and how to deal or cope with it are described in the theoretical part. The intention of the empirical part is to search for the causes and the level of the stress burden on the teachers in the first, second and third period of schooling, how much do the signs of stress reflect on them and what do they recommend to lower the stress at work. The research has shown the most stressful situations for the teachers. Those are: the lack of students’ discipline, the disrespect of the teacher’s authority and the helplessness when a child has problems at home. The situations regarding parents are second and the lack of time is third. Various situations from the teacher’s personal life (such as the lack of free time, health issues or not enough time spent with the family) also affect teacher’s work. At work the stress shows as the chronic fatigue, nervousness, tension and sleep disturbance. While teaching the teachers cannot concentrate well, they find themselves in the time constraint. That is the reason why they often think of the next exercise during the first one. To reduce the stress teachers organize and plan the tasks and exercises carefully, they use their sense of humor, they set realistic goals, they spend time in the nature and they enjoy the support of their friends and family. Teachers have suggested that administration work and extracurricular activities should decrease the cooperation with the parents and the reputation of the profession in society on the other hand should increase.