V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Vpliv družinskega okolja na gibalne sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti otrok smo želeli z empiričnimi rezultati testov gibalnih sposobnosti ugotoviti stanje gibalnih sposobnosti otrok in s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika raziskati vpliv družinskega okolja na gibalne sposo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Muršec, Katja
Other Authors: Muhič, Miran
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: K. Muršec 2011
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=18706
Summary:V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Vpliv družinskega okolja na gibalne sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti otrok smo želeli z empiričnimi rezultati testov gibalnih sposobnosti ugotoviti stanje gibalnih sposobnosti otrok in s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika raziskati vpliv družinskega okolja na gibalne sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti otrok. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti predšolskih otrok ter njihova gibalna znanja. Opisan je pomen gibalnih dejavnosti za celosten razvoj otroka, življenjska okolja otroka v predšolskem obdobju, vloga okolja pri gibalnem razvoju otroka ter vpliv gibalnih dejavnosti za celosten razvoj otroka. Predstavili smo organizirane športno gibalne dejavnosti za predšolske otroke v Slovenskih goricah. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so prikazani rezultati testov na vzorcu 63 otrok ter rezultati anketnega vprašalnika njihovih staršev. Rezultati testov gibalnih sposobnosti so pokazali, da so bili starejši otroci uspešnejši kot mlajši otroci, otroci z nižjim indeksom telesne mase (ITM) so dosegli boljše rezultate kot otroci z višjim indeksom telesne mase (ITM) ter da so otroci, s katerimi se starši veliko ukvarjajo s športnimi dejavnostmi, dosegli boljše rezultate na testih gibalnih sposobnosti kot otroci, s katerimi se starši manj ukvarjajo s športnimi dejavnostmi. Rezultati anketnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da se otroci staršev, ki se sami ukvarjajo s športnimi dejavnostmi, več ukvarjajo s športom kot otroci staršev, ki se s športnimi dejavnostmi ne ukvarjajo, ter da se mlajši starši več ukvarjajo s športom skupaj z otrokom kot starejši starši. The goal of the thesis with the title 'Influence of family environment on physical agility and physical characteristics of children, was to determine the rate of motor abilities of children. The research was based on empirical results of tests of motor skills, whereas a questionnaire was used to obtain information about the influence of family environment. In the theoretical part the physical characteristics and the motor skills of pre-school children are represented. The thesis deals with the importance of motor activity for a comprehensive child development, the environments in the pre-school period and their role in the child motor development, and the impact of motor activity on the overall development of the child. Different organized sports activities that are carried out in the area Slovenske gorice are described. The empirical part of the thesis shows the results made on a sample of 63 children and the results of the questionnaires given to the parents of these children. Results of the tests of motor skills have shown that older children were more successful than younger children. The children with a lower body mass index (BMI) have achieved higher results than those with a higher body mass index. Additionally, the children who are engaged in regular physical activity by their parents had better test results compared to their peers who are less involved in such activities. Results of the questionnaire have shown that the children whose parents engage themselves in sports also do more physical activities than those children whose parents do not engage themselves in sports. Furthermore, younger parents are more involved in sport together with their children than older parents.