Vsi se radi udeležimo kakšnega koncerta ali kakšne druge kulturne prireditve, saj nas dogajanje na odru sprosti in v nas prebuja lepe občutke, le redko pa se vprašamo, kako je stati na odru ali pa celo, kaj vse je bilo treba postoriti, da je prireditev sploh nastala. V diplomski nalogi je opisan pot...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Lekše, Tanja
Other Authors: Črčinovič Rozman, Janja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: T. Lekše 2011
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Summary:Vsi se radi udeležimo kakšnega koncerta ali kakšne druge kulturne prireditve, saj nas dogajanje na odru sprosti in v nas prebuja lepe občutke, le redko pa se vprašamo, kako je stati na odru ali pa celo, kaj vse je bilo treba postoriti, da je prireditev sploh nastala. V diplomski nalogi je opisan potek organizacije kulturne prireditve oz. glasbenega koncerta z namenom spoznati celoten potek organizacije glasbenega dogodka. Teorija v zvezi z organizacijo je preverjena na konkretnem primeru, in sicer pri organizaciji 11. Dorijevega večera, katerega organizator je Kvintet Dori – ansambel, ki izvaja narodnozabavno glasbo, zato je v diplomi opisan tudi razvoj tovrstne glasbene zvrsti in predstavljen sam ansambel Kvintet Dori. Zastavljeni sta bili dve hipotezi, in sicer: Kvintet Dori izvaja isto zvrst glasbe kot legendarni ansambel Bratov Avsenik, a se od njega razlikuje v več pogledih, torej Doriji ne posnemajo Avsenikov. Druga hipoteza: Tudi pri organizaciji glasbenih koncertov prihaja do določenih razhajanj med teorijo in prakso. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo na različne načine – glavno vodilo je bilo konkretna prisotnost pri sami organizaciji koncerta, v pomoč pa so bili tudi pogovori in intervjuvanje raznih izvajalcev del (tonskega mojstra, scenografa idr.) ter pregled dokumentacije organizatorjev prireditve. Z analizo vseh dosedanjih Dorijevih večerov in prebiranjem literature o razvoju narodnozabavne glasbe se potrjujeta obe hipotezi. Kvintet Dori se od Avsenikovega ansambla razlikuje v zunanjem videzu (ne nastopajo v kostumih gorenjske narodne noše), v avtorstvu skladb (glasbo in besedila jim po večini pišejo priznani avtorji, le redko kakšno skladbo napišejo sami), v številu članov zasedbe (članov je le pet, saj nimajo dodatnih vokalistov), v poklicu (kljub temu da so v Kvintetu Dori izobraženi glasbeniki, niso poklicni ansambel). Pri organizaciji tovrstnih prireditev pa se praksa največkrat razlikuje od teorije pri dokumentiranju dela oz. pisanju projektnih knjig in pisanju poročil po izvedenem koncertu. Člani Kvinteta Dori z ustvarjanjem novih skladb, s poučevanjem v glasbeni šoli ter z organizacijo Dorijevih večerov uspešno prispevajo k ohranjanju in razvoju slovenske narodnozabavne glasbe. Everybody likes to attend a concert or another cultural event, since stage performance relaxes and brings up pleasant feelings in us, however, we hardly ever ask ourselves what it is like to be on stage, or even, what had to be done for the event to take place in the first place. The paper deals with the organisation of a cultural event or a musical concert with the intention of getting to know the whole course of organisation of a musical event. The theory of organisation was tested on a concrete example, namely at the organisation of 11th Dori's evening, whose organizer is the Quintet Dori – an ensemble which plays folk music. For this reason the paper also presents the development of this music genre and the ensemble Quintet Dori. Two hypotheses were set, namely: „The quintet Dori plays the same music genre as the legendary ensemble Ansambel Bratov Avsenik, nevertheless, it differs from them in several respects, so the Doris do not imitate the Avseniks“ and „when organizing a musical concert it comes to certain splits between theory and praxis“. The data were collected in different ways, the main being actual presence at the organisation of the concert, however, also helpful were talks and interviews with various performers (scenographer, sound engineer.) and examination of the documentation of the event's organizers. Analysing all Dori's evenings so far and going through literature on the development of folk music, both hypotheses were confirmed. The Quintet Dori differs from Avsenik's ensemble in appearance (the Dori's do not perform in the folk costumes of the Upper Carniola region), in the authorship of the compositions (the Dori's music and texts are mostly written by acknowledged authors, rarely themselves), in the number of members of the group (there are only five Doris, with no additional vocalists), in their profession (although the Doris are all educated musicians, they are not a professional ensemble when organizing such events praxis mostly differs from theory in documenting work or writing project books and reports after the concert. By making new songs, teaching at music school and organizing Dori's evenings, members of the Quintet Dori make a successful contribution to preservation and development of the Slovenian folk music.