Prireditev kot del marketinškega komuniciranja ima številne prednosti pred klasičnimi marketinškimi pristopi. Odjemalci so močno vpleteni v proces prireditve in tako bolj dovzetni do sporočil, ki jih sporočamo. Ljubljanski maraton kot največja množična športna prireditev v Sloveniji ima ogromen komu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Muc, Gregor
Other Authors: Pisnik Korda, Aleksandra
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: G. Muc 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Prireditev kot del marketinškega komuniciranja ima številne prednosti pred klasičnimi marketinškimi pristopi. Odjemalci so močno vpleteni v proces prireditve in tako bolj dovzetni do sporočil, ki jih sporočamo. Ljubljanski maraton kot največja množična športna prireditev v Sloveniji ima ogromen komunikacijski potencial, ki ga s pridom izkoriščajo različni partnerji in organizatorji sami. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pet stopenj v organizaciji prireditve, za osnovo smo uporabili Goldbllat-ovo teorijo. Ta predvideva pet stopenj, in sicer: raziskava, razvoj koncepta, načrtovanje, izvedba in nadzor z ovrednotenjem. Z upoštevanjem posebnosti pri vsaki posamezni fazi si zagotovimo trdno osnovo za uspešno prireditev, tudi športno. Izpuščanje oziroma neupoštevanje posameznih stopenj v organizaciji prireditve lahko privede do nasprotnih učinkov od načrtovanih. Z izpeljavo raziskave o zadovoljstvu med udeleženci Ljubljanskega maratona smo opozorili na pomembnost zadnje in hkrati prve stopnje v organizaciji prireditve. Organizator mora nujno upoštevati to stopnjo, saj na ta način pridobi povratno informacijo udeležencev prireditve. Analizirani podatki so osnova za prihodnjo prireditev. Skozi ta proces se lahko prireditev razvija iz leta v leto ter postaja popolnejša, kvalitetnejša in bolj po meri odjemalcev. As a part of marketing communication, an event has numerous advantages over classic marketing approaches. Since users are highly involved in the event process, they are more sensitive to the messages that we send out. The Ljubljana Marathon, being the largest sports event in Slovenia, holds a massive communication potential, which various partners to the event, as well as the organizers themselves use to their advantage. The diploma presents five stages of the organization of an event, using Goldblatt's theory as the basis. The stages of the theory are research, concept development, planning, completion, and control by evaluation. By taking into account every peculiarity in an individual stage, a firm and healthy foundation of a successful event, be it even a sports event, is ensured. While organizing an event, leaving out individual stages or regarding to them insufficiently can lead to unplanned or unwanted consequences. By carrying out a survey on the satisfaction among the contestants of the Ljubljana Marathon, we have pointed to the importance of the first and the last stage in an event organization. The organizer must pay extreme attention especially to the last stage, as it provides vital feedback from the participants. In addition, the analysed data is a basis for future events. Through the process, the event can evolve from year to year, thus becoming more complete, having more quality, and being more suited for the users.