V diplomskem delu je predstavljen proces izdelave nove spletne strani podjetja SŽ - ŽIP d.o.o. Pomanjkljivost obstoječe spletne strani je v tem, da zaposlenim niso na razpolago informacije o prostih terminih počitniških enot, ter da zaposleni, ki so odgovorni tako za upravljanje rezervacij počitnišk...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Skender, Aleksander
Other Authors: Werber, Borut
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2011
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=17847
Summary:V diplomskem delu je predstavljen proces izdelave nove spletne strani podjetja SŽ - ŽIP d.o.o. Pomanjkljivost obstoječe spletne strani je v tem, da zaposlenim niso na razpolago informacije o prostih terminih počitniških enot, ter da zaposleni, ki so odgovorni tako za upravljanje rezervacij počitniških enot kot za upravljanje evidence pozabljenih predmetov, najdenih na vlakih, ne morejo sami vnašati in popravljati podatkov. Nova spletna stran je izdelana z namenom hitrejšega in bolj ažurnega obveščanja zaposlenih na Slovenskih železnicah o prostih terminih počitniških enot ter potnikov o najdenih predmetih. Poleg tega pa je za spletno stran izdelan tudi vmesnik, preko katerega bodo pooblaščene osebe lahko same vnašale podatke. V uvodnem delu je podan problem obveščanja podjetja SŽ - ŽIP d.o.o. o prostih terminih počitniških enot in o najdenih predmetih, sledijo teoretične osnove z opisom pojmov, analiza obstoječega stanja, načrtovanje spletne strani. Podrobno so opisane izdelave tabel in izdelava spletne strani. Predstavljene so tudi tehnologije, ki so bile uporabljene pri izdelavi spletne strani. Zaključek vsebuje oceno rešitve in možnost nadaljnje dopolnitve spletne strani. The present thesis gives a presentation of the process of designing a new webpage of SŽ−ŽIP d.o.o., the Slovene railways company that employs disabled people. The deficiency of the existing webpage is in that the employees do not have access to the information on the dates of when holiday facilities are available, nor can the employees responsible both for the reservation management of holiday facilities and the record management of lost and found items on trains enter and correct the information on the webpage. The new webpage, however, was designed with the aim to provide faster and more up-to-date information to the Slovene Railways company employees on available holiday facilities and to the passengers on items lost and found on trains. An interface was also created through which persons responsible can enter the information themselves on this webpage. The introduction outlines the problem of communication and information within SŽ–ŽIP d.o.o. on available holiday facilities and on lost and found items. The main part presents the theoretical basis with the description of terms, an overview of the current state of analysis of the current situation, and the webpage design. It describes in detail how the tables were created and how the webpage was designed. It also gives a presentation of the technologies used in webpage design. The final part gives an assessment of the presented solution and a possibility of upgrading and amending the webpage.