Pojem falklandska vojna označuje obdobje vojaškega konflikta med Veliko Britanijo in Argentino v času med 2. aprilom 1982 in 14. junijem 1982. Korenine spora segajo daleč v preteklost, v obdobje kolonializma, ko so bili Falklandski otoki predmet spora med Španijo in Veliko Britanijo. S propadom špan...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bohinec, Urška
Other Authors: Vodušek-Starič, Jerca
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: U. Bohinec 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Pojem falklandska vojna označuje obdobje vojaškega konflikta med Veliko Britanijo in Argentino v času med 2. aprilom 1982 in 14. junijem 1982. Korenine spora segajo daleč v preteklost, v obdobje kolonializma, ko so bili Falklandski otoki predmet spora med Španijo in Veliko Britanijo. S propadom španskega kolonialnega imperija in nastankom neodvisnih držav na njegovih tleh, si je neodvisna Republika Argentina kot dedinja španskega imperija prilaščala tudi Falklande, ki pa si jih je še vedno lastila tudi Velika Britanija. Spor zaradi suverenosti nad njimi je ostajal nerešen vse do dvajsetega stoletja. Otočje je bilo gospodarsko sicer nepomembno, vendar se mu zaradi njegove strateške lege nobena izmed sprtih strani ni želela odreči. V dvajsetem stoletju so bila sprožena diplomatska pogajanja, ki pa niso prinesla rešitve. Ob razmerah, ki so vladale v obeh državah leta 1982, se je spor zaostril. Argentina je 1. aprila 1982 izvedla invazijo na otočje in ga osvojila. Velika Britanija se ji je proti pričakovanjem svetovne javnosti postavila po robu. Po drugi svetovni vojni je država izgubljala status velesile, zato je želela s posredovanjem na Falklandskih otokih ponovno potrditi svoj sloves. Po argentinski invaziji sprti strani nista popuščali pri svojih zahtevah, zato so diplomatska prizadevanja za mirno razrešitev konflikta spodletela. Spor je zato prerasel v vojaški spopad. V boju je bolje izurjena britanska vojska premagala argentinsko, ki se je 14. junija 1982 predala. Kljub porazu je Argentina ohranila zahteve po Falklandskem otočju, vendar se Velika Britanija ni bila več pripravljena pogovarjati o njegovi prihodnosti. Status quo ostaja nespremenjen do danes. The term Falklands War term refers to the period of military conflict between Great Britain and Argentina between April 2nd 1982 and June 14th 1982. Roots of the conflict go far back to the time of the colonial period, when Spain and Great Britain disputed about the ownership of the Falkland Islands. With the collapse of the Spanish colonial empire and the formation of independent countries on its soil, the newly independent Republic of Argentina claimed the Falkland Islands, however they remained under British control. Dispute over their sovereignty therefore remained unresolved. Despite being economically insignificant, the Falkland Islands have a great strategic position and no country has ever wanted to surrender their control. In the 20th century there were several attempts to find a diplomatic solution, however all of them failed. On April 1st 1982, a dispute escalated when Argentina invaded and seized the islands. Great Britain’s response was against public expectations. After the Second World War, the country had lost its superpower status and therefore wanted to reaffirm its reputation with a strong response to Argentina’s actions. After the Argentinean invasion, Argentina and Great Britain stayed firm with their demands meaning that diplomatic efforts to peacefully resolve the conflict failed. The dispute eventually escalated into a military conflict. In the battle that followed, the better trained British army defeated the Argentinean forces. Argentina surrendered on 14th June 1982. Despite the defeat, Argentina maintained its claims to ownership of the Falkland Islands, however Great Britain was no longer willing to discuss their future. Today, this position remains unchanged.