Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali med skupinami različno športno dejavnih otrok, obstajajo razlike v antropometrijskih razsežnostih in kakšne te razlike so. Raziskava je bila opravljena na vzorcu 454 otrok (221 dečkov in 233 deklic), starih od 9 do 11 let. Otroci so v času opravljanja meritev ob...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Muršec, Danijela
Other Authors: Planinšec, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: D. Muršec 2011
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=17451
Summary:Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali med skupinami različno športno dejavnih otrok, obstajajo razlike v antropometrijskih razsežnostih in kakšne te razlike so. Raziskava je bila opravljena na vzorcu 454 otrok (221 dečkov in 233 deklic), starih od 9 do 11 let. Otroci so v času opravljanja meritev obiskovali mestne, primestne in podeželske šole severovzhodne Slovenije. Športno dejavnost otrok smo preverjali s pomočjo pripravljenega anketnega vprašalnika, ki so ga izpolnili otroci sami. Na osnovi rezultatov smo otroke ločili po spolu in razdelili v skupine (nizko, srednje in zelo športno dejavni). Telesne mere otrok smo izmerili s pomočjo antropometričnega instrumentarija, za ugotavljanje sestave telesa pa je bil uporabljen analizator Maltron BF-907. Razlike v antropometrijskih razsežnostih med skupinami različno športno dejavnih otrok, smo izračunali z analizo variance (ANOVA), pri čemer smo ugotavljali statistično značilnost razlik na ravni tveganja p ≤ 0,05. Rezultate smo natančneje opredelili s Post-Hoc preizkusom, po metodi Scheffe. Rezultati kažejo, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med skupinama srednje in zelo športno dejavnih dečkov v količini vode v telesu, brezmaščobne mase in količini maščevja v telesu, ki so v prid zelo športno dejavnim dečkom. Rezultati so pokazali tudi statistično značilne razlike v antropometričnih razsežnostih med skupinami različno športno dejavnih deklic. Statistično značilne razlike so se pojavile v telesni višini med skupinama nizko športno dejavnih in zelo športno dejavnih deklic, v prid slednjim, ter med skupinama srednje športno dejavnih in zelo športno dejavnih deklic, prav tako v prid zelo športno dejavnih deklic. V telesni teži, indeksu telesne mase ter obsegu trebuha, so nastale statistično značilne razlike med skupinama nizko športno dejavnih in zelo športno dejavnih deklic, ki so v prid nizko športno dejavnim deklicam. Dobljeni rezultati so potrdili, da med športno dejavnostjo in nekaterimi antropometričnimi razsežnostmi obstaja pozitivna povezava. Predpostaviti je mogoče, da primerno intenzivna in dovolj pogosta športna dejavnost spodbuja hitrejši telesni razvoj ter prispeva k zmanjšanju podkožnega maščevja. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a distinction in anthropometric extensiveness between groups of children who are variously involved in physical activity and what are these differences. The research was performed on the sample of 454 children (221 boys and 233 girls) aged between 9 and 11. During the research children attended lessons at city, suburban, and country schools in Northeast Slovenia. Children’s physical activity was defined by in advance prepared questionnaires, which were fulfilled by the children. According to the results and regarding the gender, the children were divided into the following groups: group of low, group of medium, and group of high physical activity. Children’s body measurements were measured with the anthropometric instrumentarium and for determination of the body structure the analyser Maltron BF-907 was used. The variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to calculate the distinctions in anthropometric extensiveness between groups of children who are variously involved in physical activity. Thereby the statistical characteristic of distinctions was ascertained at the risk level p ≤ 0,05. The results were accurately defined by the Post-Hoc test according to Scheffe’s method. The results indicated that there are statistically distinctive differences between the group of medium and the group of high physical activity in the quantity of body water, fatless mass, and muscles, which are in behalf of high physical active boys. The results indicated also statistically distinctive differences in anthropometric extensiveness between groups of girls who are variously involved in physical activity. Statistically distinctive differences revealed in the body height between the girls’ group of low and the group of high physical activity. The results are on behalf of the latter group. Similar results appeared between the group of medium and the group of high physical activity, again on behalf of the high activity group. Statistically distinctive differences revealed also in body weight, body mass index, and belly extent between the group of low and the group of high physical activity. The results are on behalf of the girls’ group of low physical activity. Gained results revealed that there is a positive connection between physical activity and several anthropometric extensions.