Diplomska naloga opisuje celoten potek reševanja avtomobilskih škod na Zavarovalnici Triglav d.d. V diplomski nalogi smo prikazali kako poteka proces reševanja avtomobilske škode od prijave škode na zavarovalnici do zaključnega sporazuma oziroma nakazila. Glede na to, da želi vsak oškodovanec v čim...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Potočnik, Silvo
Other Authors: Laković, Stanko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Potočnik 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomska naloga opisuje celoten potek reševanja avtomobilskih škod na Zavarovalnici Triglav d.d. V diplomski nalogi smo prikazali kako poteka proces reševanja avtomobilske škode od prijave škode na zavarovalnici do zaključnega sporazuma oziroma nakazila. Glede na to, da želi vsak oškodovanec v čim krajšem času popraviti svoje poškodovano vozilo, smo predstavili kaj lahko za to storimo sami, kako priložiti zadostno dokumentacijo in v katerem primeru se obrniti na policijo. Za reševanje škod, ki so prijavljene policiji je omogočen dostop do policijskih zapisnikov in skupaj s sodelovanjem s policijo se primer reši. K temu spada tudi možnost zavarovalniških goljufij, katerih je vse več na slovenskem in svetovnem zavarovalniškem trgu. Temeljni motiv zaradi katerega se zavarovanci odločajo za goljufanje je denar. V zaključku smo podali nekaj predlogov za izboljšanje in hitrejše reševanje škod, kar je tudi želja samih zavarovancev, oškodovancev oziroma vseh nas. The purpose of the diploma work is to present how we determine the car damage at the insurance company Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d. In diploma work it is represented the whole course of events from damage report at the insurance company to final agreement or money transfer. As it is usually expected by clients that their cars will be repaired as soon as possible, therefore in this work we suggest, what can clients do by themselves to speed things up, how to provide enough documentation and in what situation they should call the police. In the cases when clients report accidents to the police, the insurance company has the access to police files and the case is solved in collaboration with the police. There is always a possibility of fraud and the number of those is increasing drastically in Slovenia and all over the world. Like in so many cases the reason for fraud is the money. In conclusion we represent some suggestions how to improve and accelerate determination of damage that is our goal.