Duševno zdravje starostnikov pomembno vpliva na splošno zdravje. Depresija je med starostniki zelo pogosta. Združena je z visoko stopnjo morbiditete in mortalitete ter poteka pogosto neprepoznana. Velik del starejših ni deležen ustreznega ali pa sploh nobenega zdravljenja. V magistrskem delu smo raz...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kokalj, Nataša
Format: Master Thesis
Published: N. Kokalj 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Duševno zdravje starostnikov pomembno vpliva na splošno zdravje. Depresija je med starostniki zelo pogosta. Združena je z visoko stopnjo morbiditete in mortalitete ter poteka pogosto neprepoznana. Velik del starejših ni deležen ustreznega ali pa sploh nobenega zdravljenja. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali problem prisotnosti depresivnosti pri starostnikih v bolnišnici, dejavnike tveganja, zdravljenje in zdravstveno nego starostnika z depresijo v bolnišnici s pomočjo Geriatrične lestvice depresivnosti (GLD) in to ob sprejemu in ob odpustu iz splošne bolnišnice. Raziskovalna metodologija. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Podatke smo zbirali z delno odprtim vprašalnikom, namenjenim medicinskim sestram in z Geriatrično lestvico depresivnosti, ki so jo izpolnjevali starostniki sami ali ob pomoči medicinskih sester. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 162 starostnikov (starejših od 65 let), ki so bili hospitalizirani na Internem in Kirurškem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Novo mesto v obdobju od novembra 2009 do februarja 2010, in medicinske sestre, zaposlene na Internem in Kirurškem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Novo mesto, s ciljem, ugotoviti delež depresivnih in nedepresivnih starostnikov, ocenjenih z GLD, na Internem in na Kirurškem oddelku splošne bolnišnice, ter najpogostejše somatske bolezni pri depresivnih starostnikih. Rezultati. Iz podatkov izhaja, da je delež starostnikov ob sprejemu, pri katerih je bila s pomočjo Geriatrične lestvice depresivnosti ugotovljena prisotnost depresivnosti, enak deležu starostnikov, pri katerih le-ta ni bila ugotovljena. Ob odpustu iz bolnišnice pa se je delež starostnikov, pri katerih je bila ugotovljena prisotnost depresivnosti povečal. V raziskavi so medicinske sestre menile, da želijo sprejeti novosti, s katerimi bi si olajšale delo (uporaba GLD) in s tem izboljšale kakovost zdravstvene nege starostnika. Hkrati pa opozarjajo na problem pomanjkanja znanja s področja zdravstvene nege depresivnega starostnika. Poudarjajo, da pri svojem delu na omenjenem področju niso bile najbolj uspešne in da za to nimajo časa. Sklep. Z raziskavo smo izpostavili problem v pomanjkanju znanja s področja zdravstvene nege depresivnega starostnika s strani medicinskih sester ter potrebo po poenoteni obravnavi prisotnosti depresivnosti s strani zdravstvenih delavcev. Pokazala se je potreba po izvajanju psihiatrične zdravstvene nege starostnika, potreba po razvoju dokumentacije psihiatrične zdravstvene nege, ter po izdelavi standardov psihiatrične zdravstvene nege in uvedbi raziskovanja iz omenjenega področja. Mental health of the elderly has a significant effect on general health. Depression among the elderly is a common condition. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality rate and often goes undiagnosed. A great number of elderly people do not receive adequate treatment or do not receive any treatment. This master's thesis examines the problem of depression in elderly hospital patients, risk factors, treatment and nursing care of elderly hospital patients with depression by employing the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) on admission to and at discharge from General Hospital. Research methodology. Quantitative methodology was used in the research. The data were acquired from a partially open-ended questionnaire for nurses and from the Geriatric Depression Scale, completed by elderly patients themselves or with the assistance of nurses. The research included 162 elderly patients (over the age of 65) hospitalised in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Surgical Department of the Novo mesto General Hospital during the period from November 2009 to February 2010 and nurses working in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Surgical Department of the Novo mesto General Hospital with a view to establishing the proportion of depressed and undepressed elderly patients assessed by the GDS in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Surgical Department of the General Hospital and the most frequent somatic diseases in the elderly with depression. Results. The data show that the proportion of the elderly diagnosed with depression on admission with the help of the Geriatric Depression Scale is equal to the proportion of those not diagnosed with depression. At hospital discharge, the number of elderly people diagnosed with depression increased. In the research, the nurses expressed the wish to embrace innovations that would facilitate their work (the use of GDS) and improve the quality of elderly nursing care. Furthermore, they point out the lack of knowledge in the field of nursing care of elderly patients with depression. They stress that they have not been particularly successful at performing their work in the said field and that they lack the necessary time. Conclusion. The research highlighted the problem of the lack of nurses' knowledge in the field of nursing care of elderly patients with depression and the need for unified diagnostic criteria for depression on the part of health-care professionals. The need to implement psychiatric nursing of elderly patients arose, as well as the need to develop the documentation of psychiatric nursing, to establish standards of psychiatric nursing and to initiate research in the aforementioned field.