Organizacija koncerta pomeni druženje, sprostitev in zabava ljudi na prostem ali zaprtem prostoru. Organizacija nas vodi do uspeha in samo preko nje smo sposobni izpolnjevati svoje potrebe. V organizaciji poznamo elemente kot so: število oseb, medsebojne soodvisnosti, input, output in transformacija...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Tepeš, Urška
Other Authors: Uršič, Duško
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: U. Tepeš 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Organizacija koncerta pomeni druženje, sprostitev in zabava ljudi na prostem ali zaprtem prostoru. Organizacija nas vodi do uspeha in samo preko nje smo sposobni izpolnjevati svoje potrebe. V organizaciji poznamo elemente kot so: število oseb, medsebojne soodvisnosti, input, output in transformacija. Organizator si mora že takoj na začetku postaviti cilje kaj želi z organizacijo doseči in kakšen koncert bo organiziral. Diplomsko nalogo sem razdelila na osem delov. V diplomskem delu sem predstavila samo teorijo organizacije ter z njo povezanimi pojmi, celotno organizacijo koncerta in konkreten primer organizacije koncerta na primeru Šentrocka. V drugem delu in tretjem delu sem se osredotočila na vsebino organizacije, organizacijo kot subjekt, strukturo, proces, organiziranje s področja kulture ter neprofitno organizacijo. Ter opisala pojme, ki so povezani z organizacijo koncerta - prireditev in festival. V četrem delu sem začela z organizacijo koncerta, ki je moja osrednja tema. Opisala sem načela, namen, raziskavo in opisala w-je why (zakaj), who (kdo), when (kdaj), where (kje) in what (kaj). Z vprašanji dobi organizator vpogled v to ali mu bo sama organizacija uspela. Opisala pa sem tudi SWOT analizo, ki jo organizator naredi in je sestavljena iz priložnosti, nevarnosti, prednosti in slabosti. V petem in šestem delu sem podrobno opisala kaj vse potrebujemo pri sami izvedbi organizacije koncerta, katera področja je potrebno upoštevati in na kaj moramo biti še posebej pozorni. Celostna podoba se nanaša na lokacijo, ozvočenje, osvetlitev, hrano, pijačo, varovanje, oglaševanje, sponzoriranje koncerta in zakonske ureditve. Opisala sem tudi katere izvajalce potrebujemo pri sami organizaciji in izvedbi koncerta. Ko sem podala vse definicije glede organizacije in kaj vse potrebujemo pri samem organiziranju sem se lotila praktičnega primera na koncertu Šentrocka. Primer sem napisala po predhodno opisani teoriji. Concert organization means socializing, relaxing and having fun indoors or outdoors. The organization leads to success and only through it we are able to fulfil our needs. The elements of organization are: number of people, interdependence, input, output and transformation. The organizer has to set his goals at the beginning, what does he wish to achieve with organization and what kind of a concert he will organize. I have divided my thesis into eight parts. I have presented just the theory of organizing and related concepts, complete concert organization and a practical case of concert organization of Šentrock. In the second and third part I have focused on organization content, organization as a subject, structure, proces, organization of cultural and non-profit organization. I will describe concepts connected to concert organization which are performances and festivals. In my fourth part I have introduced concert organization which is my main topic. I have presented the principles, purpose, research and described the Glodblatt W-s which are why, who, when, where and what. With the answers to this questions the organizer gets an insight in weather the organization will be successful or not. I have also made a SWOT analysis of the organizer it shows us strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. The fifth and sixth part of my thesis are detailed to what we need for the performance itself, what areas should be considered and what do we need to give special attention to. The whole image refers to location, sound, lighting, food, beverage, security, advertising, sponsorship, and law regulation. I have also described what other contractors we need for the organization and performance of the concert. After giving all the definitions about organization and what we need for organizing, I have studied the practical case of Šourock. The case is studied by the theory I have introduced in my thesis.