Uspešnost organizacij je odvisna predvsem od smotrnega usklajevanja in razvijanja najrazličnejših virov. Izenačenost v tehnologiji, procesih in orodjih sili podjetja k iskanju vedno novih virov konkurenčne prednosti. Potencial podjetja predstavljajo zaposleni, ki pa sami po sebi še niso nujno vir ko...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Horvat, Mitja
Other Authors: Uršič, Duško
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Horvat 2010
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=16018
Summary:Uspešnost organizacij je odvisna predvsem od smotrnega usklajevanja in razvijanja najrazličnejših virov. Izenačenost v tehnologiji, procesih in orodjih sili podjetja k iskanju vedno novih virov konkurenčne prednosti. Potencial podjetja predstavljajo zaposleni, ki pa sami po sebi še niso nujno vir konkurenčne prednosti. V kadre, tako kot v ostale vire konkurenčne prednosti, mora podjetje strateško investirati, da bi iz njih pridobilo maksimum. Prvi korak je najti ustrezno motivacijo. Človekove sposobnosti in znanja so osnovni pogoj, da lahko opravlja svoje delo. Kako dobro ga opravlja, je odvisno od finančnih in nefinančnih nagrad, torej spodbud. Posameznikova usposobljenost (k čemur prištevamo znanje, sposobnosti in veščine) ter motiviranost sta ključna kriterija, ki določata uspešnost opravljenega dela. Interes podjetja torej je, da spodbuja delo, ki je opravljeno. Proces motiviranja zaposlenih mora biti podprt tako s spoznanji teorije motivacije kot tudi s praktičnim izkustvom o značilnosti posameznika ali skupin posameznikov. Pomemben del motivacijskega procesa v podjetjih zavzema tudi sistem nagrajevanja. Pri oblikovanju sistema nagrajevanja je pomembno, da podjetje ustrezno kombinira tako finančne kot nefinančne nagrade, saj je smiselno izkoristiti prednosti obeh. Nagrade je potrebno prilagoditi značilnostim podjetja in zaposlenim ter jim ponuditi nagrade, ki jim zaposleni pripisujejo neko vrednost. Prek sistema nagrajevanja podjetje poskuša zaposlenim jasno sporočiti, kakšne dosežke in kakovost dela ceni in nagrajuje. Pri tem se je pomembno zavedati, da gre za sistem, ki je oblikovan glede na določena izhodišča in je v funkciji prinašanja jasnih in otipljivih rezultatov. Pomembno je tudi, da je sistem nagrajevanja transparenten in da je njegovo delovanje jasno predstavljeno vsem zaposlenim. Posameznik namreč mora vedeti, kakšne so posledice doseženega cilja in kakšne, če cilja ne doseže. Glede na povedano lahko strnemo, da je bistveni pomen oziroma funkcija nagrajevanja motiviranje zaposlenih. Je način, preko katerega se podjetje odziva na zahteve in želje svojih kadrov. Dobro počutje zaposlenih v delovnem okolju lahko pomembno vpliva na njihovo večjo učinkovitost in produktivnost. Zadovoljni zaposleni dosegajo boljše rezultate in s tem pomembno vplivajo na doseganje konkurenčne prednosti podjetja. Organizations' performance is mainly dependant on reasonable coordination and development of various resources. Equalization in the technology, processes and tools is forcing the companies to continually search for new resources of competitive advantages. The potential mainly represent the company employees, which, by themselves, are not necessarily the resource of the aforementioned competitive advantage. The company shall undertake to strategically invest in human resources as well as in other competitive advantages in order to obtain the maximum benefit from them. Step one in doing that represents finding a relevant motivation. Individual's capabilities, competences and knowledge represent the basic condition for such individual to be able to carry out its work. How well such individual carries out its work depends on financial and non-financial awards, thus incentives. Individual’s competence and qualification (which includes knowledge, competence and skills) and motivation represent the key criteria determining the effectiveness of the work carried out. The company's interest is thus to encourage and promote the work, which was carried out. The process of motivating people has to be supported both by theoretical cognitions of motivation as well as with practical experience on characteristics of an individual or groups of individuals. An important part of the motivational process in companies is also the remuneration system. When forming the remuneration system it is important for the company to appropriately combine both financial as well as non-financial rewards since it is reasonable to take fullest advantage of both. The rewards have to be adjusted to characteristics of the company and of employees and offer them such rewards that the employees attribute some value to. Through the aforementioned remuneration system the company tries to send the employees a clear message regarding what kinds of achievements and work qualities appreciates and rewards. In doing so it is crucial to be aware that this involves a system formed with regard to certain starting points and is thus in the function of bringing clear and tangible results. It is also important for the remuneration system to be transparent and that its operation is clearly presented to all employees. Individual must, namely, know and be aware of the consequences of the reached goal and the consequences if he / she fail to reach such goal. With regard to the said we are thus able to sum up that what is here essential or the function of remuneration the employee motivation. It is the way through which the company responds to requires and wishes of its personnel. Employee well being within the working environment may significantly affect their better efficiency and productiveness. Satisfied employees achieve better results and thus significantly affect achieving the company's competitive advantage.