Družba Kema Puconci, d.o.o. je izvozno naravnano podjetje, ki ima tehnološko najsodobnejšo organizirano proizvodnjo kremenovih peskov in materialov za zaključna dela v gradbeništvu. Z inovativno politiko, nenehnimi vlaganji ter odgovornim občutkom za prave priložnosti so se uspeli dvigniti iz povpre...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ambruš, Samanta
Other Authors: Goršek, Andreja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Ambruš 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Družba Kema Puconci, d.o.o. je izvozno naravnano podjetje, ki ima tehnološko najsodobnejšo organizirano proizvodnjo kremenovih peskov in materialov za zaključna dela v gradbeništvu. Z inovativno politiko, nenehnimi vlaganji ter odgovornim občutkom za prave priložnosti so se uspeli dvigniti iz povprečja naše panoge. Tako so danes prepoznavna družba v slovenskem in širšem gospodarskem prostoru s pozitivnimi trendi stalne rasti. Proizvodni program, ki zajema pester nabor izdelkov za celovite rešitve v gradbeništvu, nenehno dopolnjujejo in nadgrajujejo z novimi in inovativnimi izdelki. V okviru tega je podjetje dalo pobudo za razvoj nove podlivne malte, ki bi bila uporabna za podlivanje jeklenih konstrukcij, temeljnih plošč strojev in temeljev ter za zalivanje sider in stikov. V diplomskem delu predstavljamo potek in rezultate raziskav na to tematiko. Izvedli smo več sklopov meritev. Merili smo linearne deformacije vzorcev z metodo po Graaf Kaufmannu. Za to metodo smo izdelali po štiri prizmice za vsak vzorec. Dve smo negovali na zraku, dve v vodi. Poleg tega smo merili še razlez, tlačne in upogibne trdnosti, prostorninsko maso sveže malte, čas vezanja. Določali smo tudi zrak v sveži malti. Razmerje cement — pesek smo določali s pomočjo sejalnih analiz. Za osnovo smo izbrali produkt s trga, ki ga proizvaja eno izmed konkurenčnih podjetij. Raziskave smo najprej opravili na tem produktu in ga poimenovali Podlivna malta — izdelek s trga. Nadaljnje raziskave smo opravili iz dveh vidikov formulacije kalcijevega sulfoaluminata (CSA) in sicer enkrat smo CSA formulirali sami z dodatkom anhidrita in aluminatnega cementa, drugič smo ga dodali v obliki gotovega proizvoda s trga. Pri formulaciji CSA-ja z dodatkom alumatnega cementa in anhidrita smo izdelali pet skupin vzorcev. Vzorce smo poimenovali z oznakami A1, A1-C, A2, A3 in A4. Pri formulaciji CSA-ja z dodatkom proizvoda s trga smo uporabljali dodatek Denka CSA#20. Izdelali smo štiri skupine vzorcev in jih poimenovali D1, D2, D5 in D6. Poleg dodatka Denka CSA#20 smo uporabili še dodatek Denka SC-1 (pospešilo) in Denka D200 (zaviralo). Ugotovili smo, da vzorec A3 in vzorec D1 dosegata najboljše rezultate glede linearnih deformacij in trdnosti, vendar dajeta nekoliko slabše rezultate glede časa vezanja. Vzorec A3 pa ima poleg tega še slab razlez. Predlagamo, da se raziskave nadaljujejo v smeri izboljšanja časa vezanja, pri vzorcu A3 pa še v smeri izboljšanja razleza. Po opravljenih laboratorijskih preiskavah je potrebno izračunati lastni ceni obeh izdelkov, na osnovi katerih se bo podjetje lahko odločilo za proizvodnjo katerega izmed njiju. Omejitve diplomskega dela so bila cenovna razmerja, saj je bilo potrebno zagotoviti maksimalno učinkovitost nove formulacije za doseganje ciljnih lastnosti proizvoda ob čim manjšem možnem povečanju lastne cene proizvoda. Te lastnosti so bile povečanje tlačne trdnosti nad 60 MPa, doseganje volumske ekspanzije sveže malte do +0,4 % in eliminacija linearne deformacije (krčenja) v plastičnem stanju. Kema Puconci d.o.o. is an export oriented company that integrates the most modern technological organization in production of quartz sands and materials for final works in construction. With innovative politics, constant investments and a responsible feeling for right choices it succeeds to get out of the average of its branch. So it's a recognized company today in Slovenia and also at a wider economic space with positive trends of permanent growth. The production programme, which includes a diverse palette of products for entire solutions in construction, is constantly supplemented and overbuild with new and innovative products. Under these activities the company initiated a development project of a new type of underpouring compound that is intended for grouting underneath the steel structures, the base plates of machines, for anchoring and joint casting. This diploma work represents the course and results of the research project. Different sets of testing procedures have been implemented. The linear deformation was determined through the Graaf-Kaufmann method. Four specimens of each tested type of product have been prepared for implementation of the Graaf Kaufmann method. Two specimens were conditioned by the standard climatic conditions, while other two specimens were conditioned in water. Besides that, the flowing capabilities, compression and flexural strength, density and setting time were determined. The fresh mortar air content was also determined. The cement-sand ratio was determined based on the sieving analysis. The starting point of our researches was a product that is manufactured by one of the competitors. Initial researches have been done on the competitive product, which was then titled as a »Underpouring compound – the product from market«. Further researches were implemented from calcium-sulphoaluminate (CSA) formulation point of view. In first case the CSA was formulated based on addition of the anhydrite and aluminate cement. In second case the CSA was added as prefabricated product which is available in the market. For the formulation of CSA that was based on the aluminate cement and anhydrite addition five groups of specimens were prepared. The specimens were designated as A1, A1-C, A2, A3 and A4. For the formulation of CSA that was based on the prefabricated product the DENKA CSA#20 additive was used. The DENKA SC-1 (accelerator additive) and DENKA D200 (retarder additive) were both applied in addition to the DENKA CSA#20. It was find out that the A3 and D1 specimens achieved best results regarding linear deformation and strength properties, but the results of the setting time determination were slightly poor. Besides that, the A3 specimen developed poor flowing performance. I am suggesting that research on the setting time improvement shall be continued as well as further research regarding flowing properties improvement in case of the A3 specimen. After the laboratory research completion the cost prices of both formulations shall be calculated, so the company's decision will be done upon which product to manufacturing in the future. The limitations of this diploma work were primarily the cost price ratios, for it was necessary to provide the most efficient formulation that achieves the objectives of the project by less possible increasing of the product's cost price. These objectives were increasing of the product's compressive strength over 60 MPa, achieving the volume expansion of the fresh mortar up to +0,4 % and elimination of the linear deformations (shrinkage) in its plastic phase.