Etika postaja vse pomembnejša tako na zasebnem kot tudi na poslovnem področju. Danes ni več dovolj, da podjetje upošteva zgolj zakone, ki urejajo poslovanje, da uspešno posluje. Poslovna etika je tisti konkurenčni faktor, ki odločilno vpliva na ugled podjetja. Vse bolj je potrebno upoštevati etična...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Treer, Urška
Other Authors: Uršič, Duško
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: U. Treer 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Etika postaja vse pomembnejša tako na zasebnem kot tudi na poslovnem področju. Danes ni več dovolj, da podjetje upošteva zgolj zakone, ki urejajo poslovanje, da uspešno posluje. Poslovna etika je tisti konkurenčni faktor, ki odločilno vpliva na ugled podjetja. Vse bolj je potrebno upoštevati etična in moralna pravila, vendar je ustrezno etično ravnanje podjetja težko doseči, saj se v praksi pojavljajo etične dileme, ki otežujejo etično ravnanje. Kljub temu, da etika obstaja že zelo dolgo, so se podjetja začela intenzivno ukvarjati z etičnimi problemi šele v zadnjem času. Današnja družba stremi k etičnemu delovanju vseh institucij, kamor sodijo tudi podjetja, ki morajo svoje delovanje zasnovati tako, da delujejo skladno z etičnimi pričakovanji družbe. Vendar se v podjetjih srečujejo s problemi, ki zahtevajo več kot samo rutinsko odločanje. Zaradi zapletenosti procesa odločanja so se razvili koncepti etike in tudi sodila za etično odločanje. Podjetja v večini skušajo ravnati čim bolj etično, vendar pa so in bodo vedno obstajali posamezniki, ki bodo delovali v nasprotju z etiko in pri poskusih doseganja čim večjega uspeha posegali po nepoštenih in pogosto tudi nezakonitih sredstvih. V vsakem podjetju sodelujejo ljudje z namenom, da bi lahko skupaj dosegli več, kot če bi delovali sami. Tako pride do delitve dela, s tem pa tudi do odnosov in medsebojne povezanosti. V takem sodelovanju se zaposleni pogosto ravnajo po določenih pravilih, s katerimi dosegajo usklajeno delovanje. Za določanje celotnega delovanja zakoni niso dovolj. Pri poslovanju gre za splet odnosov, kjer je zelo pomembna sestavina ravno etika. S pojavom nasilja v družbi se srečujemo vse pogosteje, ne samo na ulici in v družini, ampak tudi na delovnem mestu. Mobbing nastane pogosto iz nekega nerešenega konflikta med sodelavci ali med podrejenimi in nadrejenimi, kjer je žrtev dlje časa izpostavljena negativnemu in agresivnemu vedenju. Pogosto mobbing pripelje do posledic, ki so lahko velike tako za žrtev, kot tudi za celotno podjetje in se odražajo na posameznikovem zdravju. Mobbing povzroča podjetjem velike stroške, ki nastanejo zaradi zmanjšane storilnosti, slabih delovnih odnosov ter konfliktnih in stresnih situacij, ki privedejo do zmanjšane uspešnosti podjetja. Mobbing ni problem posameznika, ampak celotnega podjetja. Veliko bi lahko spremenili že s povečanjem interesa podjetij ter z osveščanjem zaposlenih. Pomembno je, da se čim več zaposlenih zaveda kaj mobbing je, da gre za dejavnost, ki je sistematična in traja dlje časa. Namen diplomskega seminarja je bil opredelitev pomembnosti dobrih etični odnosov, ki so v sodobnem poslovnem svetu nujno potrebni in navsezadnje tudi koristni za dolgoročno uspešno poslovanje podjetja. Podjetja se morajo zavedati, da poslovna etika obstaja, in da mora biti nujno vključena v njihovo poslovanje, saj se lahko drugače pojavijo problemi, tudi v obliki mobbinga. Potrebno se je zavedati pomembnosti posvečanja mobbingu v podjetjih, ter se lotevati hitrih ukrepov zoper njega. Veliko bi na tem področju lahko storilo tudi vodstvo podjetij, saj si mobbing kot tak zasluži resno, nepristransko in objektivno obravnavo. Ethics is not only becoming important at the private but also at the business field. Nowadays it is not just enough for a successful company to consider the laws, which regulate the business. Business ethics is the major competitive factor that has a decisive impact on the companies’ reputation. Ethical and moral rules should be increasingly taken to account, although is this ethical handling hard to achieve, because of the ethical dilemmas that appear in practice and complicate the ethical behaviour. Although that ethics is present for a quite long time in companies, ethical problems have been taken into serious consideration only in the past few years. The society longs for an ethical operation of all institutions, which includes also companies. These companies have to design their operation in a way that operate in accordance to the societies ethical expectations. But companies must deal with problems that require more than just routine decision-making. Because of the complicated decision-making process not only concepts of ethics have developed, but also laws for the decision-making process. In majority the companies try to act as ethical as possible. But there are and always have been individuals who act in an unethical way. In their attempts to gain success they make use of unfair and often even illegal means. In almost every company people cooperate with the purpose to gain more success as a team, as by acting as individuals. This leads to division of work, better relations and connections between the employees. In such cooperation the employees often act by certain rules. Those rules help to reach a coordinated operation. For a determination of the complete operation, laws are not enough. Business is a combination of relations where ethics plays an important part. Violence in the society is a very common phenomenon. We face it not only on the street and in the family, but also at work. Mobbing often arises from an unsolved conflict between co-workers or even between inferior and superior parts of the company. In this case the victim is exposed to negative or even aggressive behaviour for a longer period of time. Mobbing often leads to consequences that are of major importance for the victim and also for the company and reflects in the individuals’ health. Mobbing can cause big expenses to companies, which arise from reduced performance, bad working relationships and conflictual and stressful situations, and lead to a reduced performance of the company. Mobbing is not only a problem of the individual but of the whole company. A lot could be changed with the growth of the companies’ interests and the awareness of the employees. It is important that employees become aware of what mobbing is. They should know that mobbing is an activity that is systematic and lasts a longer period of time. The purpose of this work is to point out the importance of good ethical relations, which are not only required in the modern business world, but also helpful for a successful long-term operating of a company. Companies should be aware that business ethics exists and that it has to be a part of their business, otherwise problems in form of mobbing can appear. The importance of mobbing in companies should be made clear, as well as quick solutions to fight against it. A mayor part of these problems could be solved by the companies’ leaderships. Mobbing deserves a serious, impartial and objective treat.