V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Vpliv družine na gibalne sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti otrok smo želeli na osnovi empiričnih rezultatov motoričnih testov ugotoviti stanje gibalnih sposobnosti pet let starih otrok ter z anketnim vprašalnikom ugotoviti vpliv družine na razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti i...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Skrt, Valerija
Other Authors: Muhič, Miran
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: V. Skrt 2010
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=14473
Summary:V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Vpliv družine na gibalne sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti otrok smo želeli na osnovi empiričnih rezultatov motoričnih testov ugotoviti stanje gibalnih sposobnosti pet let starih otrok ter z anketnim vprašalnikom ugotoviti vpliv družine na razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti njihovih otrok. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili telesne značilnosti predšolskih otrok in njihov vpliv na gibalne sposobnosti, gibalna znanja ter pomen gibalnih dejavnosti za celostni razvoj otroka. Opisali smo življenjska okolja otrok v predšolskem obdobju in njihovo vlogo pri telesnem razvoju otroka ter predstavili organizirane gibalne/športne dejavnosti za predšolske otroke na Ptuju. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati testov motoričnih sposobnosti, ki smo jih zbrali na osnovi vzorca 50 otrok iz dveh enot ptujskega vrtca in rezultati anketnega vprašalnika njihovih staršev. Pri obdelavi podatkov smo prišli do naslednjih ugotovitev: dečki so dosegli boljše rezultate kot deklice, otroci z nižjim ITM so dosegli boljše rezultate kot otroci z višjim ITM, otroci, s s strani staršev vzpodbujeni k športu, so dosegli boljše rezultate, otroci, ki obiskujejo dodatno športno vadbo, so dosegli boljše rezultate, mlajši starši se več ukvarjajo s športno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi skupaj z otroki, otroci staršev, kateri so bili kot otroci tudi sami športno aktivni, so bolj športno aktivni kot otroci, katerih starši se kot otroci niso ukvarjali s športom. The diploma work Influence of family on motorical skills and physical characteristics of childen wishes to establish the condition of motor skills in five-year olds based on empiric results of motor ability tests. The diploma also explores the influence of the family on the development of motor skills and physical features of their children. Theoretical part of the diploma presents physical features of pre-school children and their influence on motor skills. This part also introduces motor skill learning and the significance of physical activity for an integrated development of children. Different living environments of pre-school children, their influence on children's physical development and organized motor/sport activities for pre-school children in Ptuj are described as well. Empirical part presents the results of motor skills tests based on the specimen of 50 children from two kindergarten units in Ptuj. The analysis of a questionnaire given to the parents of those children is included as well. The conclusion drawn from those studies is as it follows: boys have achieved better results in tests than girls children with lower BMI have achieved better results than those with higher BMI children who are engaged in motor/sport activities together with their parents have achieved better results children who attend extra sports training have achieved better results younger parents are engaged in sports activities together with their children more often than older parents children of parents who were sport active as children, are more sport active than children of parents who have not been sport active as children.