Uvajanje novih izdelkov na slovenski trg zahteva vedno več znanja in izkušenj za prodor na trg. Najpomembnejši dejavnik v samem procesu uvajanja pa je ravno pravilno izbrana strategija komuniciranja, kar si bomo podrobneje ogledali v sami nalogi. Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati pomembnost stroko...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Slijepčević, Sandra
Other Authors: Ferjan, Marko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2010
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=14327
Summary:Uvajanje novih izdelkov na slovenski trg zahteva vedno več znanja in izkušenj za prodor na trg. Najpomembnejši dejavnik v samem procesu uvajanja pa je ravno pravilno izbrana strategija komuniciranja, kar si bomo podrobneje ogledali v sami nalogi. Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati pomembnost strokovne in načrtovane strategije komuniciranja pri uvajanju novih izdelkov na slovenski trg. Predhodno narejena analiza trenutnih potreb - povpraševanja na trgu in izbor pravih metod komuniciranja s trgom, gledano širše strategije trženja, lahko močno znižajo stroške, skrajšajo čas uvedbe ter povečajo končni tržni uspeh. Kot rezultat mojega raziskovanja želim podati smernice v procesu uvajanja novih izdelkov pri podjetju Bomerx d.o.o., z namenom doseganja večje in predvsem dolgoročne tržne uspešnosti. Proučiti želim dejavnike, ki vplivajo na ta proces, predstaviti kateri so tisti, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati ter katere odločitve je potrebno sprejeti, da bi bila pot lansiranja novih izdelkov kar najbolj uspešna. Z raziskavo, katere metoda raziskovanja je intervju, smo želeli, da še pred plasiranjem novega izdelka na trg ugotovimo dejanske potrebe le-tega, obstoječe stanje, kako bi bilo treba oblikovati svojo ponudbo, kako pripraviti trženje in kako si bo mogoče zagotoviti ustrezen položaj na trgu v zaostrenih konkurenčnih razmerah ter kakšen bo odziv potencialnih konkurentov in uporabnikov, ki ga bomo sprožili z vstopom v določeno poslovno okolje. Raziskava je podala pomembne informacije o tem, kako pomemben je pretok informacij, zadovoljivo izdelan informacijski sistem, predhodno narejene raziskave, izobraženost oziroma informiranost zaposlenih ter o tem, kako vpliva število zaposlenih na sam proces lansiranja. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da je najpomemnejša izobraženost zaposlenih in dobro zastavljen informacijski sistem. Podrobnosti o ugotovitah smo navedli v poglavju Ugotovitve. The introduction of new products to the Slovene market requires increasingly more know-how and experience for successful market penetration. The most important factor of this process is the choice of the correct communication strategy, which is the main theme of my thesis. The goal of this thesis is to show the importance of well-thought-out and well-planned communication strategy when introducing new products to the Slovene market. A preliminary analysis of current needs and demands of the market and the selection of the appropriate communication and marketing strategies can result in a massive cost reduction, reduced product introduction time and increased product sales. Based on my original research we offer guidelines on how to modify the product launch process at the Bomerx Company with the goal of increased product sales. We intend to study the factors affecting this process, outline the factors that need to be taken under consideration and examine decisions that need to be made to make product launch as smooth and trouble-free as possible. Using interview-based research we tried to determine the following factors before the actual product launch: current needs of the market, how to design our offer and marketing strategy, how to get the appropriate market share in the increasingly competitive environment and how will our competition and our customers react to our introduction of products into a specific business environement. Our research illustrates the significance of the following factors: good information flow and adequate IT system design, preliminary research, well-educated and informed workforce, and the impact of the employee count on the product launch. Our findings, which are presented in a separate chapter, have shown that employee training and a well-designed IT system are two of the most important factors in the product launch and market penetration processes.