POVZETEK V diplomski nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti povezanost gibalne dejavnosti otrok in počutja v šoli. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 453 otrok, starih med 9 in 11 let. Izmed teh je bilo 220 dečkov in 233 deklic. Otroci so v tem času obiskovali četrti, peti in šesti razred OŠ Šmarje pri Jelšah, OŠ...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pernek, Andreja
Other Authors: Planinšec, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: A. Pernek 2010
Online Access:
Summary:POVZETEK V diplomski nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti povezanost gibalne dejavnosti otrok in počutja v šoli. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 453 otrok, starih med 9 in 11 let. Izmed teh je bilo 220 dečkov in 233 deklic. Otroci so v tem času obiskovali četrti, peti in šesti razred OŠ Šmarje pri Jelšah, OŠ Franc Rozman Stane, OŠ Cirkulane-Zavrč, OŠ Markovci, OŠ Gustava Šiliha Laporje in OŠ Tone Čufar. Gibalno dejavnost otrok smo ugotavljali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega so odgovarjali otroci sami. Za ugotavljanje počutja otrok v šoli je bil uporabljen Kindov vprašalnik Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children. Zbrani podatki so bili obdelani z računalniškim programom SPSS 19.00 za Windows. Rezultati kažejo, da sta gibalna dejavnost in počutje v šoli povezana, vendar le pri dečkih, medtem ko pri deklicah te povezave ni. Gibalna dejavnost ni povezana s počutjem v šoli v primeru, ko otrok ne delimo po spolu. Gibalna dejavnost ni povezana s počutjem deklic v šoli, je pa povezana s počutjem dečkov v šoli. Iz tega lahko povzamemo, da ni statistično značilnih razlik v povezavi gibalne dejavnosti in počutja v šoli skupin nizko gibalno, srednje gibalno ter zelo gibalno dejavnih otrok. Prav tako ni statistično značilnih razlik med različno gibalno dejavnimi deklicami. Prihaja pa do statistično značilnih razlik v počutju v šoli skupin nizko gibalno dejavnih, srednje gibalno dejavnih ter zelo gibalno dejavnih dečkov. Dečki, ki so zelo gibalno dejavni, se v šoli boljše počutijo kot njihovi manj gibalno dejavni vrstniki, prav tako lažje opravljajo šolske naloge. Rezultati so pokazali, da je spol otroka pomemben dejavnik pri povezanosti gibalne dejavnosti in počutja v šoli. ABSTRACT In the diploma thesis we wanted to establish the correlation between physical activity of children and how they feel at school. The research included 453 children, ageing from 9 to 11 years – namely 220 boys and 233 girls. The children were attending the fourth, the fifth and the sixth grade of the following elementary schools at the time of the research: OŠ Šmarje pri Jelšah, OŠ Franc Rozman Stane, OŠ Cirkulane-Zavrč, OŠ Markovci, OŠ Gustava Šiliha Laporje and OŠ Tone Čufar. The children's physical activity was determined with the aid of a questionnaire that the children fulfilled themselves. We used the Kind's Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children. The collected data was processed with the computer programme SPSS 19.00 for Windows. The results show that the physical activity and how children feel at school correlate, but only for boys, while there is no such correlation for girls. The physical activity does not correlate with the children's state of feeling at school when we do not make a distinction between the two sexes. The physical activity does not correlate with how girls feel at school, but it does correlate with how boys feel at school. Thus we may conclude that there are no statistically determined differences in correlation between physical activity of children and how they feel at school – whether in the group of highly active, quite active or poorly active children. There are no statistically determined differences between differently active groups of girls either. However, the statistically determined differences are shown in correlation with how boys feel at school between the groups of poorly active, quite active and highly active boys. Physically highly active boys feel better at school than their less physically active peers. At the same time they find it easier to complete the school tasks. The results show that the sex of a child is an important factor for correlation between the child's physical activity and how he/she feels at school.