Diplomsko delo prikazuje pravno ureditev mediacije v gospodarskih sporih ter njen postopek. Zakon o mediaciji v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah (ZMCGZ) pravi, da mediacija pomeni postopek, v katerem stranke prostovoljno s pomočjo nevtralne tretje osebe (mediatorja) skušajo doseči mirno rešitev spor...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kos, Samra
Other Authors: Tratnik, Matjaž
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Kos 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomsko delo prikazuje pravno ureditev mediacije v gospodarskih sporih ter njen postopek. Zakon o mediaciji v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah (ZMCGZ) pravi, da mediacija pomeni postopek, v katerem stranke prostovoljno s pomočjo nevtralne tretje osebe (mediatorja) skušajo doseči mirno rešitev spora, ki izvira iz ali je v zvezi s pogodbenim ali drugim pravnim razmerjem. V diplomskem delu je najprej na kratko obrazložen pomen alternativnega reševanja sporov, zakon (ZARSS) in njegov namen ter vse njene oblike oziroma vrste, kot so arbitraža, konciliacija, zgodnja nevtralna ocena, postavitev institucionalnega ombusmana, predstavitev spora javnosti, pogajanja, mini sojenje ter uporaba različnih mešanih metod le-teh. Nato je razloženo kaj, je ključno v praksi pri mediaciji. Namreč, da spora mediator nikoli ne reši na način, da sam razsodi, kdo ima prav. Do rešitve torej morata priti stranki sami, ob pomoči mediatorja. Le ta mora biti nepristranski, uživati mora ugled obeh strank in delovati mora v duhu iskanja rešitve spora pri obeh strankah. Po priporočilu Sveta Evrope morajo biti mediatorji strokovni, ugledni, šolani za to delo in morajo imeti možnosti za dodatno izobraževanje. Zato je tudi v diplomskem delu obravnavan Evropski kodeks etičnih načel (oziroma vedenja in ravnanja) za mediatorje, ki natanko opisujejo najpomembnejša načela. Nato so predstavljeni še ameriški začetki in vrste ARS-a, ter nekatere vrste ureditve pri zveznih sodiščih in posameznih zveznih državah. The thesis presents the legal regulation of mediation in commercial disputes and its procedure. Law on mediation in civil and economic matters says that mediation is a process in which the parties voluntarily with the assistance of a neutral third party (a mediator) attempt to reach a peaceful settlement of the dispute, which arises from or is connected with contractual or other legal matters/relations. Firstly, the thesis gives a brief explanation of the importance of alternative dispute resotution, law (ARS) and its purpose, as well as all its forms or types, such as arbitration, conciliation, early neutral evaluation, the establishment of institutional ombudsman, the public presentation of conflict, negotiation, mini-trial and mixed use of different methods thereof. Afterwards, it is explained what is crucial in practice in mediation. Namely, the mediator never resolves the dispute in a way that he decides who is right. The parties have to come to the solution themselves with the assistance of a mediator. Therefore, he has to be impartial, respect the reputation of both parties and to operate in the spirit of seeking settlement for both parties. Following the recommendation of Council of Europe, the mediators have to be professionals, respected, educated for this work and must have abilities for further education. That is why, the thesis also deals with the European Code of ethical principles (respectively behavior and treatment) for mediators, which describes in details the most significant principles. Finally, the American origin and types of ARS are presented as well as some types of regulations in the federal courts and individual states.