Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v gibalni dejavnosti podeželskih in mestnih otrok glede na indeks telesne mase. Raziskava je bila opravljena na vzorcu 630 otrok, starih od 9 do 11 let. V raziskavo so bili zajeti podeželski otroci, ki so v tem času obiskovali OŠ Cirkulane — Za...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zajšek, Jasna
Other Authors: Planinšec, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: J. Zajšek 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v gibalni dejavnosti podeželskih in mestnih otrok glede na indeks telesne mase. Raziskava je bila opravljena na vzorcu 630 otrok, starih od 9 do 11 let. V raziskavo so bili zajeti podeželski otroci, ki so v tem času obiskovali OŠ Cirkulane — Zavrč, OŠ Markovci, OŠ Laporje, OŠ Šmarje pri Jelšah in mestni otroci, ki so v tem času obiskovali OŠ Franc Rozman Stane in OŠ Tone Čufar. Gibalno dejavnost otrok smo ugotavljali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki so ga izpolnjevali otroci sami. Na osnovi indeksa telesne mase so bili otroci razdeljeni v skupino z normalno telesno težo, skupino s prekomerno telesno težo in skupino z debelostjo. Razlike v gibalni dejavnosti med podeželskimi in mestnimi otroki smo ugotavljali s pomočjo T-testa, razlike v gibalni dejavnosti glede na indeks telesne mase pa smo ugotavljali z analizo variance (ANOVA). Statistično značilne razlike smo ugotavljali na ravni tveganja 0,05. Rezultati kažejo, da v gibalni dejavnosti podeželskih in mestnih otrok ni statistično pomembnih razlik. Statistično pomembnih razlik tudi ne opazimo v gibalni dejavnost otrok glede na indeks telesne mase. Prav tako pa ne opazimo statistično pomembnih razlik v gibalni dejavnosti mestnih in podeželskih otrok glede na indeks telesne mase. Iz dobljenih rezultatov lahko povzamemo, da indeks telesne mase in bivalno okolje (podeželje ali mesto) ne vplivata na gibalno dejavnost otrok. The aim of our research was to establish whether there are any differences in the physical activity and BMI comparison of children from countryside and town region. The research is based on the pattern of 630 children, aging from 9 to 11. It included the countryside children from the following elementary schools: OŠ Cirkulane-Zavrč, OŠ Markovci, OŠ Laporje, OŠ Šmarje pri Jelšah and the town children from OŠ Franc Rozman Stane and OŠ Tone Čufar. The children's physical activity was determined with the help of a questionnaire that children fulfilled themselves. On the base of body mass index the children were divided into three groups – those with normal weight, those who are overweight and those who are obese. The differences in the physical activity of children from the countryside and town region were determined with T-test, and the differences in physical activity in connection with BMI factor were determined with variance analysis (ANOVA). The statistically important differences were determined on the risk level of 0,05. The results show that there are no important statistical differences in the physical activity of countryside and town region children. Nor we have found statistically important differences in the physical acitivity of children in connection with BMI. There are also no important statistical differences in the physical activity of countryside and town region children in connection with BMI. According to the results we can conclude that BMI and the living environment (countryside or town region) do not influence the children's physical activity.