Vožnja z avtomobilom vedno pomeni neko tveganje. Prometno nesrečo lahko povzročimo vozniki sami ali drugi udeleženci v prometu. Vzroki za prometne nesreče so različni, zato so različni tudi načini, s katerimi jih skušamo preprečiti. Pričujoče diplomsko delo podaja osnovna dejstva o varnosti v cestne...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Umbreht, Nataša
Other Authors: Šraml, Matjaž
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: N. Umbreht 2009
Online Access:
Summary:Vožnja z avtomobilom vedno pomeni neko tveganje. Prometno nesrečo lahko povzročimo vozniki sami ali drugi udeleženci v prometu. Vzroki za prometne nesreče so različni, zato so različni tudi načini, s katerimi jih skušamo preprečiti. Pričujoče diplomsko delo podaja osnovna dejstva o varnosti v cestnem prometu v Sloveniji, vzrokih zanje in možnostih za preprečevanje prometnih nesreč, s poudarkom na inteligentnih sistemih v vozilih. Na varnost in učinkovitost cestnega prometa vplivajo trije dejavniki: voznik, vozilo in okolje. Vpliv teh treh dejavnikov na dogajanje v prometu je vzajemno povezano tako, da voznik, vozilo in okolje tvorijo kibernetični sistem. Način, kako preprečiti prometne nesreče in tako povečati prometno varnost so med drugim tudi različni inteligentni sistemi v vozilih, ki so glavni predmet raziskave tega diplomskega dela. Prav tako so podani podatki o vozilih v Sloveniji in inteligentnih sistemih, ki jih ti nudijo. Inteligentni sistemi v vozilih vplivajo na zmanjšanje nastanka in posledic prometnih nesreč s svojim delovanjem: voznika informirajo in opozarjajo o dogajanju v prometu ter pretečih nevarnostih, z lastnim reagiranjem v kritičnih situacijah, ob sami nesreči pa s sistemi za preprečevanje hujših posledic. Travelling by car always constitutes a risk. Traffic accident may be caused by us as a driver or by other road users. Causes of traffic accidents are different and therefore are different also ways in which they are tried to avoid. Present diploma thesis gives the basic facts about road safety in Slovenia, the reasons for accidents and the prospects for the prevention of them with emphasis on intelligent vehicle systems. Safety and effectiveness of road traffic are affected by three factors: the driver, the vehicle and the environment. The impacts of these three factors on events in traffic are combined, so the driver, the vehicle and the environment create a cybernetic system. One of the way, how to prevent accidents and to increase road safety are also different intelligent systems in vehicles which are the main focus of this graduation thesis research. There are also given the details of the vehicles in Slovenia and intelligent systems, which they offer. Intelligent vehicle systems affect on reduction of occurrence and consequences of traffic accidents with its operations: with informing and warning drivers about what is happening in the traffic, in some critical situations they self-react or if the accident already happens, they try to prevent worse consequences.