Namen diplomske naloge je bil predstaviti strelski šport za najmlajše. V prvih poglavjih sta predstavljeni zgodovina strelstva ter razvoj strelskega športa v osnovni šoli kot tudi na splošno. V opisu osnov streljanja z zračno puško so predstavljeni tehnični podatki, ki se nanašajo na strelske prosto...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Brkić, Siniša
Other Authors: Planinšec, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Brkić 2009
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Summary:Namen diplomske naloge je bil predstaviti strelski šport za najmlajše. V prvih poglavjih sta predstavljeni zgodovina strelstva ter razvoj strelskega športa v osnovni šoli kot tudi na splošno. V opisu osnov streljanja z zračno puško so predstavljeni tehnični podatki, ki se nanašajo na strelske prostore in opremo. Predstavljeni sta zračni puški serijske in standardne izdelave ter oprema, ki ustreza sami izbiri orožja. Predstavljeni so tudi štirje osnovni elementi streljanja: strelski položaj, merjenje, dihanje in proženje. V teoretičnem delu je prikazan še primer načrtovanja treningov s strelcem začetnikom ter na kratko opisano tudi izobraževanje strelskih trenerjev in sodnikov. V praktičnem delu je zajeto in predstavljeno vse, kar se je dogajalo na strelskem regijskem tekmovanju osnovnih šol. Od samih priprav sodnikov na tekmovanje, izvedba tekmovanja, potek streljanja ter poročilo tekmovanja. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, ki je bila izvedena na tem tekmovanju. Prikazani rezultati nam omogočajo pregled dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na kakovost strelskega rezultata. Rezultati ankete prikazujejo, kakšen je položaj strelstva v osnovnih šolah in na splošno. Kljub temu da strelstvo ni eden bolj priljubljenih športov, bi ga v osnovni šoli bilo dobro pogosteje izvajati. Strelstvo namreč zelo dobro vpliva na razvoj mnogih elementov osebnosti strelca, pomembnih psiholoških in nekaterih motoričnih lastnosti, kar je zelo pomembno pri vzgoji in izobraževanju najmlajših. The purpose of this diploma was to present the sports shooting activities for primary school children. The first chapters outline the history of shooting sports, its introduction to primary school pupils, and representation of shooting sports in general. Description of the basic characteristics of the air rifle shooting includes technical information that refers to shooting facilities and equipment. Air rifle of mass and standard production and equipment for individually selected weapons are also presented. Four main elements of shooting including shooting position, aiming, breathing, and pulling the trigger are also outlined. The theoretical part includes the practical example of planning a beginner’s training program. The education of instructors and referees is also described. The practical part incorporates all the events and circumstances of the Regional Primary School Shooting Competition, all ranging from instructing the referees about the competition, realization of the competition, the execution of the shooting itself, and report about the competition. The empirical part includes the results of the survey conducted during the competition in question. The demonstrated results enable us to define factors which influence the results in the field of shooting. The results of this survey also outline the popularity of this sport among primary school pupils and among general population. Despite being one of the less popular sporting activities, shooting sports should be more often implemented in the primary school curriculum. Namely, shooting sports activities have a very positive effect on development of pupil’s character, important psychological characteristics and motor abilities, all of which are very important in children’s education and upbringing.