V diplomskem delu z naslovom Osveščanje učencev 4. in 5. razredov o problematiki globalnega segrevanja je teoretični del razdeljen na štiri sklope: psihološki sklop, pedagoško—didaktični sklop in ekološki sklop. V psihološkem sklopu so predstavljene splošne značilnosti in temeljni dejavniki otrokove...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kuzma, Martina
Other Authors: Fošnarič, Samo
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Kuzma 2009
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=11703
Summary:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Osveščanje učencev 4. in 5. razredov o problematiki globalnega segrevanja je teoretični del razdeljen na štiri sklope: psihološki sklop, pedagoško—didaktični sklop in ekološki sklop. V psihološkem sklopu so predstavljene splošne značilnosti in temeljni dejavniki otrokovega razvoja ter spoznavni proces otroka v srednjem obdobju otroštva. V pedagoško — didaktičnem sklopu smo opredelili predmet Naravoslovje in tehnika ter analizirali Nacionalni učni načrt za Naravoslovje in tehniko iz zornega kota globalnega segrevanja. V ekološkem sklopu smo predstavili pojem globalno segrevanje, ter vzroke za njegov nastanek in posledice, ki nastajajo zaradi njega. Kot eno izmed večjih posledic smo predstavili podnebne spremembe. V ekološkem sklopu smo predstavili različne ukrepe s katerimi lahko pomagamo pri reševanju podnebne krize. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo ugotavljali, kakšno znanje imajo učenci 4. in 5. razredov o globalnem segrevanju in podnebnih spremembah. Rezultati so pokazali, da so nekateri učenci zelo dobro seznanjeni s globalno segrevanjem, pri večini učencev, pa je to le površinsko znanje, ali ga pa ni. Kot rezultat takšnih ugotovitev je nastal praktični del diplomske naloge. V prilogi je priložen model učne ure, ki smo ga uporabili v 5. razredu osnovne šole. Namen te ure je bil približati učencem globalno segrevanje ter jim predstaviti vzroke in posledice. Seznanili so se tudi s tem, kaj oni sami lahko prispevajo k zmanjševanju globalnega segrevanja. ABSTRACT The theoretical part in the diploma thesis Awarness pupils of the 4th and 5th grade on the issue of global warming is divided into four sections: the psychological, pedagogical-methodological and ecological section. The psychological section introduces the general characteristics and fundamental factors of a child’s development and cognitive process of a child in the middle period of childhood. In the pedagogical-didactic section we defined Natural sciences and Engineering subject and analyzed the national curriculum of that subject from the point of view of global warming. The ecological section presents the phenomenon of global warming, its origin and the consequences arising from it. As one of the major consequences we put forth the climate changes. In the same chapter we presented various actions which can be taken solving the climate crisis. In the empirical part of the diploma thesis we were investigating the knowledge of the pupils of the 4th and 5th grade on the issue of global warming and climate changes. The results have shown that some pupils are well informed about the subject matter, although the knowledge of the great majority is superficial or non-existing. As a result, the practical part of the diploma thesis is built on these establishments. In the appendix is attached the exemplar of the lesson used in the 5th grade of the primary school. The purpose of this lesson was to draw nearer to the pupils the issue of global warming and introduce them its causes and consequences. The pupils were also informed about their own contribution in reducing the global warming.