Vsaka slovenska šola ima šolsko svetovalno službo, katere delo je usmerjeno k fleksibilnemu prilagajanju šole tako splošnim kot seveda tudi posebnim potrebam vseh učencev. Prav zato je potrebno sodelovanje svetovalnih delavcev pri integraciji otrok s posebnimi potrebami v t. i. »redne« šole, ob tem...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Oblak, Urška
Other Authors: JAVORNIK KREČIČ, Marija
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: U. Oblak 2009
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=11304
Summary:Vsaka slovenska šola ima šolsko svetovalno službo, katere delo je usmerjeno k fleksibilnemu prilagajanju šole tako splošnim kot seveda tudi posebnim potrebam vseh učencev. Prav zato je potrebno sodelovanje svetovalnih delavcev pri integraciji otrok s posebnimi potrebami v t. i. »redne« šole, ob tem pa je slednje še pomembno zaradi skrbi za primerno okolje za razvoj teh otrok in za to, ali bodo učitelji brez specialno-pedagoške izobrazbe sposobni tem otrokom ponuditi tisto, kar potrebujejo. Seveda je veliko odvisno od samega odnosa svetovalnega delavca do integracije, saj, če je le-ta negativen, svetovalni delavec sami skrbi za pozitiven odnos šole do otrok s posebnimi potrebami ne bo namenil toliko časa, kot bi bilo potrebno. Ob tem se moramo zavedati dejstva, da informiranje pomembno vpliva zlasti na odpravo predsodkov tako šolskih svetovalnih delavcev kot drugih subjektov na šoli. Tako smo se lotili proučevanja šolske svetovalne službe, njenega dela na sploh in dela v povezavi z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Ob tem smo raziskali še področje otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter integracijo oziroma inkluzijo. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili osnovna dejstva povezana s položajem otrok s posebnimi potrebami na slovenskih osnovnih in srednjih šolah ter dejstva v povezavi s sodelovanjem in z odnosom šolskih svetovalnih delavcev do otrok s posebnimi potrebami in njihove integracije. Na osnovi raziskanega ocenjujemo, da je sicer odnos slovenskih svetovalnih delavcev do integracije pozitiven, vendar ne v tolikšni meri, kot bi lahko bil, ker mu šolski svetovalni delavci zaradi manj znanja in preobremenjenosti z drugimi opravili namenjajo premalo časa. In Slovenia every school has a school guidance program that takes care of the basis and special needs of the pupils by ensuring optimal conditions for their development. The collaboration of the school counsellors is extremely important while integration of the children with special needs to the so called »regular« schools. Furthermore, the collaboration is of enormous importance also because the environment for the children with special needs has to be adjusted to them. The question that has to be answered at this point is: Will the teachers without a specialized pedagogical education be able to provide appropriate care for the children with special needs? If the school counsellor has a negative attitude towards the integration of the children, he/she is not going to devote it the needed attention. We have to be aware of the fact that the gathering of information has an enormous effect on suppression of the prejudice of school counsellors as well as of other school bodies. We concentrated on the study of the school guidance program itself, its work in general, and its work regarding the children with special needs. Furthermore, we studied the field of the children with special needs and their integration or inclusion. The research revealed the basic facts regarding the situation of children with special needs in Slovenian primary and secondary schools as well as the facts regarding the collaboration and relation of the school counsellors towards children with special needs and their integration. On the basis of our research we can conclude that the Slovene school counsellors’ attitude towards the integration is in general positive, but not in such degree as it should be. In other words, because of the missing knowledge and because they are overloaded with other work the school counsellors are not able to devote enough time to this problem.