Odnos staršev do otroške igre je naslov moje diplomske naloge. Opredelila sem se na dve različni okolji, podeželje in mesto. Kar sama prihajam s podeželja, sem si zastavila temo v tej smeri, da ugotovim, če je okolje, v katerem živim, kaj vplivalo na kakovost moje igre. Predvsem pa, kakšen odnos ima...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kolarič, Jana
Other Authors: Krušič, Zvone
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: J. Kolarič 2009
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=11085
Summary:Odnos staršev do otroške igre je naslov moje diplomske naloge. Opredelila sem se na dve različni okolji, podeželje in mesto. Kar sama prihajam s podeželja, sem si zastavila temo v tej smeri, da ugotovim, če je okolje, v katerem živim, kaj vplivalo na kakovost moje igre. Predvsem pa, kakšen odnos imajo starši do igre otrok in kako okolje vpliva na možnosti za igro. Osnovni namen moje diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti in preučiti odnos staršev do igre otrok in morebitna odstopanja z ozirom na okolje, v katerem živimo. Kot prvo sem hotela predstaviti pomen igre v otrokovem razvoju in življenju, saj menim, da je igra dejavnost, ki ima velik pomen in daje pečat srečnemu otroštvu otroka. Otrok preko igre spoznava okolje, v katerem živi, in si preko nje ustvari svoje poglede na svet. Otrokova igra je smiselna, saj preko igre izraža samega sebe. Skozi igralne aktivnosti si otrok razvije mišljenje, se uči obvladovanja čustev ter ugotavlja svoje zmožnosti. V veliko pomoč pri raziskovanju neznanega sveta so otroku prav starši. Ti mu pomagajo odkrivati svet okoli sebe. Otroku pomeni igra resno delo in mu nudi vse tisto, za kar je v resničnem življenju še premajhen. Zato moramo starši otroku omogočiti, da se čim več igra. Starši imajo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju prostora in pri zbiri igrač. » Ni obveznost staršev, da bi se morali »žrtvovati« za otroke. Njihova dolžnost je usposobiti otroke za samostojno življenje in popolno neodvisnost od staršev« (Košiček, 1992, str 363). Igra pomeni otroku največ, čeprav se sam tega niti ne zaveda. Bodite vi tisi, ki mu boste pokazali pravo pot. Dovolite mi da, vam pomagam na tej poti. S povzetki raznih avtorjev, ki so raziskovali pomen igre, vam bom približala težo igre. Mogoče boste tudi sami spoznali, da je tudi vaše življenje zaznamovala igra. Ste mogoče bili za kaj prikrajšani? So vaši starši bili pravi usmerjevalci v vaši igri? Je spomin na vaše otroštvo zaznamovala prav igra? Če ste se kdaj spraševali po tem, vam podajam odgovora v pomoč. »ČLOVEK JE RESNIČNO ČLOVEK, LE KADAR SE IGRA« ( F. von Schiller) SUMMARY » Parents´ relation towards child´s play« is the title of my diploma work. I considered two diferent environments, the countryside and the town. Because I myself live in the country I wanted to find out whether the environment that I live in had any influence on the quality of my play but mostly I was interested in the relation of the parents towards the child´s play and how the environment con vitions the child´s play. The mail purpose of my diploma work was to find out and to study the parent´ relationship towards child´s play and possible deviations conditioned by different environment. I wanted to present the meaning of the play in the development of a child according to my own opinion that playing is an activity of the great importance and influences happy od unhappy childhood. Through playing a child recognizes the environment in which it lives and forms the way of looking at the world an things in it. Child´s play is reasonable because throught it the child expresses itself, it developes the thinking processes, it realises its abilities and it learns how to control the feelings. A child wants to discover the unknown world, parents could be great help in this process. They can help a child to reveal the unknown. Playing is serious work for each child because it offers it the possibilities for which it is too small in the real life. So the parents must make possible conditions for the children to play as much as possible. Parents also participate greatly in choosing toys and places for the child´s play. » It is not the duty of the parents to sacrifice for their children. Their duty is to enable the children for an independent life and for the complete independence from the parents « (Košiček, 1992, str. 363) Play means the greatest deal in each child´s life, although it might not be aware of this. It is on you to show children the right way. Allow me to help you on this way. With summaries from different authors who investigated the meaning of childs´ play, I am going to enlighten the importance of the play to you. Maybe you are going to find aut that your life was also influenced by playing? Is the remembrance of your childhood marked precisely by playing? If you evef asked yourself these questions I offer you one possible answer: » A human beeing is really the human beeing only when it plays« (F. von Schiller) Keywords: preschool education, play, parents´ relation towards play, influence of the environment towards playing