Govorništvo je v današnjem življenju zelo pomembna dejavnost, zato sem se odločila, da bom v svojem diplomskem delu obravnavala to temo. Pomembno je, da se nastopanja pred javnostjo naučimo že v otroštvu, saj se bomo na ta način najlažje privadili nastopanja in se znebili treme, ki se pojavi pri nek...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kelc, Mateja
Other Authors: LIPNIK, JOŽE
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Kelc 2009
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Summary:Govorništvo je v današnjem življenju zelo pomembna dejavnost, zato sem se odločila, da bom v svojem diplomskem delu obravnavala to temo. Pomembno je, da se nastopanja pred javnostjo naučimo že v otroštvu, saj se bomo na ta način najlažje privadili nastopanja in se znebili treme, ki se pojavi pri nekaterih ljudeh. V diplomskem delu sem preverila, kako so govorni nastopi obravnavani v tretjem triletju osnovne šole in v srednji strokovni šoli. Govorni nastop je skupek besedne in nebesedne komunikacije, zato se mora vsak govorec zavedati, da pri govornem nastopanju ni pomembno le, kaj in kako govori, temveč tudi, kako bo svoj nastop izvedel. Dober govorni nastop zahteva temeljito pripravo, zato je potrebno poznati posamezne faze priprave. Zelo pomembno je, da si govorec vzame dovolj časa, da lahko zbere gradivo, ki ga bo uporabil, izbere informacije, razvrsti gradivo in ga razčleni. Ko je besedilo zapisano, se ga mora tudi naučiti in razmisliti o sami izvedbi govornega nastopa. Učencem sem razdelila anketo in tako pridobila podatke o tem, ali radi govorno nastopajo, kako in koliko časa se na nastop pripravljajo, ali imajo tremo, ali med govorom uporabljajo nebesedno komunikacijo … Pridobljene podatke sem med seboj primerjala v empiričnem delu diplomske naloge in tako ugotovila, kakšne so podobnosti oz. razlike med govornimi nastopi v osnovni oz. srednji šoli. Rhetoric is nowadays one of the most important activities, that's why I dedicated my degree to this topic. It's important to learn already as a child how to speak and appear in public and so get used to that and get reed of stage fright which often burdens some people. In my degree I've made a research how speaking performances are treated, not just in the third triad (triennium) of elementary school but also in secondary school. Speaking performance is a mixture of verbal and non-verbal communication, therefore each speaker should be aware of the fact that it's not more important what we talk about and how we do that than how we perform our speech. It must be well prepared, so each stage is important when we prepare ourselves for that. The first step is to take enough time for finding the material related to the topic. After that we choose the most useful pieces of information, arrange all the material, and analyze it. When the speech has been written down, the speaker should learn it and think how to perform it in front of the audience. With the help of the questionnaire I tried to find out whether the pupils enjoy speaking performances, how do they prepare themselves for this activity, how much time does it take, whether they are nervous and I also wondered whether they use non-verbal communication. I compared information in the empiric part of my degree and have found out the differences between the speaking performances in elementary and secondary school.