Summary:Dedication 1 Letter From the Editor 4 Feature Articles Caribou, Grizzly Bears, and Wolves, Bart Butterfield, James Peek, David Volson, Chris Warren 6 Electric Hike, John L. Edwards 11 "Learn Today. To Lead Tomorrow" A Centennial View of FWR Traditions, John C. Hendee, Dean 12 Value in Idaho's Forest Industry, Governor Cecil D. Andrus 15 Idaho's "Community" Forests, Craig Foss 17 Strategic Forest Defense Initiative, Joseph J. Ulliman 18 Planting a Wildlife Seed, David D. Musil 20 Herb and the Spoon, Dan Dallas 22 Did We Ask the Right Questions In Idaho Timber Supply Studies?, Charley McKetta 24 More than Meets the Fly, Ken Johnston 28 College Focus UI Experimental Forest, Harold L. Osborne 33 Biotechnology Comes to Forest Resources!, Carol M. Stiff and Steven J. Brunsfeld 35 Wood for Energy: A Working Example On the UI Campus, Leonard R. Johnson 37 Lee A. Sharp Experimental Area 41 Clark Fork Field Campus 42 1987 Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences Awards Banquet 43 Student Activities Natural Resources Week 1987, Bruce Higgins 44 American Fisheries Society Palous Unit, Idaho Chapter, Gary Asbridge 45 Proper Fly Casting, Craig H. Dolan 46 Forest Products 47 Idaho Forester 49 Range Club News, Lynn Pence 50 Society of American Foresters/Associated Foresters 51 Student Affairs Council 54 Wildland Recreation Management Association, Sarah Topp 56 Wildlife Society, Cindy Sills 58 Earth Day 1987, Ed Ohlweiler 60 Continuing Education 61 Student Directory 63 Index to Advertisers 66 Acknowledgements 67