In defense of children’s rights. Social-legal status of a child in the Second Republic of Poland

In the Second Polish Republic, a number of different acts of law were introduced to standardizeand regulate the social and legal status of children. Yet, it was difficult to put into practice thewritten demands due to the years of partitions, the war, and poverty, which caused to create too relaxed...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Pedagogika. Studia i Rozprawy
Main Author: Salata-Zasacka, Lidia
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Wydawca: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie 2022
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Summary:In the Second Polish Republic, a number of different acts of law were introduced to standardizeand regulate the social and legal status of children. Yet, it was difficult to put into practice thewritten demands due to the years of partitions, the war, and poverty, which caused to create too relaxed family ties, the increase in the number of orphans, homelessness and the appearance of morally neglected children. In the inter-war period, the homogeneous and well-planned childcarebecame a prestigious issue. The educators themselves stood up for the children's rights to maintain their lives in dignity and joy. Apart from the educators, the issue became the subject of the various heated discussions of doctors, lawyers and educational activists. The concepts of reforming the educational care system were raised (the insufficiencies and wrongdoings in the work of the individual institutions were revealed), the organisation of special education, the staff training, as well as the attempts were made to develop the scientific basis in the sphere of childcare pedagogy. W Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej wprowadzono kilka różnych ustaw mających na celu ujednoliceniei uregulowanie statusu społeczno-prawnego dzieci. Jednak z powodu lat zaborów, wojny i biedy, które rozluźniły więzi rodzinne, wzrostu liczby sierot, bezdomności i pojawienia się dzieci moralnie zaniedbanych trudno było wcielić w życie postulaty. W okresie międzywojennym jednorodna i dobrze zaplanowana opieka nad dzieckiem stała się kwestią prestiżową. Sami wychowawcy stanęli w obronie praw dzieci, ich godności i radości. Kwestia ta stała się przedmiotem gorących dyskusji nie tylko pedagogów, lecz i lekarzy, prawników i działaczy oświatowych. Podnoszono koncepcję reformy systemu opieki oświatowej (ujawniano braki i uchybienia w pracy poszczególnych placówek), organizacji kształcenia specjalnego, szkolenia kadr, a także podejmowano próby rozwoju bazy naukowej w sferze pedagogiki opiekuńczej