Monialaisen yhteistyön ja asiakasohjauksen kehittäminen Kelan ja kuntien välillä : toimintatutkimus perustoimeentulotuen siirrosta Kelaan

In this research, I examine the development of cooperation and case management between Kela and Eksote (the South Karelia Social and Health District) in the context of a social work development project from 1 January 2017 to 31 July 2019. The aim of this study was to create new information on issues...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Turkia, Heidi
Other Authors: Kuivalainen, Susan, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, Helsingin yliopisto, valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta, Sosiaalitieteiden tohtoriohjelma, Helsingfors universitet, statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Doktorandprogrammet i socialvetenskap, Hiilamo, Heikki, Rajavaara, Marketta
Format: Doctoral or Postdoctoral Thesis
Published: Helsingin yliopisto 2021
Online Access:
Summary:In this research, I examine the development of cooperation and case management between Kela and Eksote (the South Karelia Social and Health District) in the context of a social work development project from 1 January 2017 to 31 July 2019. The aim of this study was to create new information on issues affecting cooperation and to develop and study what kind of cooperation models can be used to support cooperation and case management between Kela and the municipalities, especially for the most vulnerable customers. A local working group was set up for the project in South Karelia, with a total of 21 employees. Employees were from Kela’s customer services and benefits services, from Eksote’s adult social work and immigration services and an employee from the Centre of Expertise on Social Welfare in SouthEast Finland (Socom). The study material included memos and project documents, questionnaire surveys, a group interview, an individual interview, a final survey conducted for the working group and a research diary. The theoretical framework consisted of professions, multidisciplinary collaboration, case management and social rights. The study explored what kind challenges were involved in cooperation and case management at the beginning of the project. Based on these were developed collaboration and case management models. Good models included getting to know the work of others, information for Kela employees, regular service at another organization’s premises, Kela information for immigrants, and case management service. The development of multidisciplinary cooperation and case management between Kela and the municipalities can increase the knowledge and appreciation of each other’s work. One of the most important goals of the cooperation is to ensure that customers who need social services are identified. For those who need special support, a targeted service can support the holistic perception of the customers’ situation and guide them toward the required services. Keywords: multisectorality, cooperation ...